FANTASTiC | 19 February 2022 | 508 MB

这个 Splice Originals 合集由加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的洪都拉斯美国音乐家 Erick Bardales 制作,探索了各种拉丁音乐流派之间的联系,重点关注墨西哥 cumbia reggaeton。这个包由 Tegucigalpa 远程演奏和录制,Tegucigalpa 是洪都拉斯的作曲家和制作人 Jorge Ulloa 的吉他和钢琴,以及纳什维尔的委内瑞拉打击乐手 Manuel “Manotas” Ramirez 和工程师 Gibran Sponchiado 一起在 gon bops 上执行和录制。

这三位音乐家将他们对 vallenato(一种流行的哥伦比亚民间音乐流派)的热爱与墨西哥 cumbia 和现代雷鬼流行音乐融合在一起,为有兴趣创作 cumbia reggaeton 音乐的制作人打造了一个真正的切入点。

这个包是使用各种乐器录制的,从 Taylor GS Mini E Rosewood 和 Les Paul Epiphone Ukulele 等原声乐器到 Fender Telecaster 1978 Sunburst 和 Gibson SG 等电吉他,以及 Ramirez 的 gon bops。使用 Apollo X4、Universal Audio 的模拟仿真 UAD 插件、Ableton live 11、Plugin Alliance 插件和 Output Thermal 处理执行的样本。

•102 一次拍摄
•174 个循环
•12 个预设


Produced by Honduran American musician Erick Bardales in Los Angeles, CA, this Splice Originals collection explores the connections between various genres of Latin music with a strong focus on Mexican cumbia reggaeton. This pack was performed and recorded remotely by Tegucigalpa, Honduras-based composer and producer Jorge Ulloa on guitar and piano, and Nashville, TN-based Venezuelan percussionist Manuel “Manotas” Ramirez on gon bops along with engineer Gibran Sponchiado.

The three musicians blended their love for vallenato – a genre of popular Colombian folk music – with Mexican cumbia and modern reggaeton pop to craft an authentic entry point for producers interested in creating cumbia reggaeton music.

This pack was recorded using a wide variety of instruments from acoustic instruments like a Taylor GS Mini E Rosewood and a Les Paul Epiphone Ukulele to electric guitars such as a Fender Telecaster 1978 Sunburst and Gibson SG, plus Ramirez’s gon bops. The performed samples were processed using an Apollo X4, Universal Audio’s analog emulation UAD plugins, Ableton live 11, Plugin Alliance plugins, and Output Thermal.

•102 one shots
•174 loops
•12 presets

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