WAV MiDi ADG ADV | AudioZ Exclusive | 621.73 MB

Audioreakt 很自豪地展示他们的 Ableton Wavetable Techno Bank 2。

/!\ 重要 /!\ 至少需要 Ableton Live Suite 10.1 /!\

我们创建了 124 个 Ableton Wavetable 预设,让您的技术制作更上一层楼。您可以在 Arp、Bass、Synth、Key、Pad 和 Textures 中找到预设。



演示中出现的每个声音都包含在预设中(鼓除外)。您还可以在其中找到每个预设的所有专用 Midi 文件和音频循环(由 midi 文件 + 预设制成)。


-WET:波表预设位于乐器架内,并分配了 FX 和宏。
-DRY:波表预设本身(无 FX 或宏)


/!\ 重要 /!\ 至少需要 Ableton Live Suite 10.1 /!\


Ableton 波表预设:124:

7 个 Arp 预设
16 个低音预设
5 和弦
14 个打击垫预设
44 个合成器预设


Audioreakt is proud to present their Ableton Wavetable Techno Bank 2.

/!\ IMPORTANT /!\ Ableton Live Suite 10.1 minimum is required /!\

We created 124 Ableton Wavetable presets to take your techno production to the next level. You can find inside presets for Arp, Bass, Synth, Key, Pad and Textures.

Each preset has been designed for all kind of techno, either Modern Techno, Peak Time Techno, Industrial Techno, Berlin Techno, Deep Techno, Melodic Techno, Dark Techno..etc..

Because we included our Wavetable Preset into Instrument rack with Macros and Effects, each preset is very versatile and can be adapt for any kind of techno by easily tweaking the macro without even opening the instrument rack.

Each sound present in the demo is included as a Preset (except for the drums). You can find inside as well all the dedicated Midi files and Audio loops (made from the midi file + preset) for each preset.

All presets come into two versions:

-WET: The Wavetable Preset is inside an Instrument Rack with FX and Macro assigned.
-DRY: The Wavetable Preset by itself (no FX or Macro)

We also included extra drums loops to have everything to get started. EVERYTHING you hear in the demo is INCLUDED in the pack.

/!\ IMPORTANT /!\ Ableton Live Suite 10.1 minimum is required /!\

Pack Details:

Midi Files: 124
Audio Loops: 124
Drums Loops: 22
Drums shots: 16
Ableton Wavetable Presets: 124:

7 Arp Presets
16 Bass Presets
27 Key Presets
5 Chords
14 Pad Presets
44 Synth Presets
11 Texture Presets

Here is a video walkthrough of the pack and what you can expect inside :

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