Ableton Mastering Templates Vol 2 was created by the mastering engineer who created tracks and mastering for Axtone, Enormous Tunes, Unreleased Digital, Spinnin’, Ultra Music, Mixmash, CR2 Records, Dim Mak, Big & Dirty and a lot more.

In detail expect to find 42 mastering templates for Ableton Live 9+ for genres like Trap, EDM, Future Wobble House, Deep House, Dubstep, Melbourne Bounce and Nu Disco.

In this day and age mastering is very important as all labels prefer to get finished tracks with that already professional sound and mastering, and often pass on demos which have some good ideas, but not mastered properly. That’s why this release is a great solution for producers from all over the world.

For each genre you will find templates created with built-in plugins only, Fabfilter Plugins, Izotope 5+, mixed variation of different plugins, Waves plugins AU & VST, making 42 mastering templates in total.

All genres have their own technical requirements and examples of these settings are included in the templates.

Each template contains an Ableton Live project file, containing an example demo song routed through a dedicated channel strip containing all the necessary EQ, compression, saturation, maximisation and FX settings that can be used on your own productions as a final master tool.

Please Note:

Tracks presented in this pack are included for demonstration only, sharing or any commercial use of the track is not allowed. In several templates you may need iZotope Ozone 5+, Fabfilter and Waves plugins.

► Product Specifications:

  • Ableton Live 9 Mastering Templates
  • 42 Mastering Templates for Ableton Live 9+

► 42 Separate Projects:

  • 7 Templates with internal plugins of Ableton Live
  • 7 using Fabfilter Plugins
  • 7 using Izotope 5+
  • 7 Mixed variation of different Plugins
  • 7 Waves Plugins AU
  • 7 Waves Plugins VST


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