FANTASTiC | 11 July 2022 | 2.03 GB

Epic Stock Media 的 Game & Film Logo Transitions 系列为制作人和声音设计师提供了一个精心制作、用途广泛且范围广泛的最有用的动态图形音效目录,用于音频品牌、介绍、结尾、抽搐、youtube、解释器视频、音频徽标和标题画面。在里面,您将能够使用 400 多种原始音频资产,这些资产将帮助您制作优美的声音品牌声音类型,如运动、过渡、揭示、出现、消失、电影和口音,对视听需求和制作特别有用。

现在很容易。 Game & Film Logo Transitions 声音识别工具包将帮助您构建强大而富有情感的声音品牌和徽标动画音频。品牌需要创建可重复使用的声音资产,在不忽视用户体验的情况下在所有接触点推动识别。这就是我们创建游戏和电影徽标过渡的原因,因此您可以获得构建引人入胜的标志性声音、令人兴奋的电影、独特的品牌标识、动态图形声音设计和身临其境的声音体验所需的一切。准备在任何游戏、电影、视频或任何需要过渡音效的地方使用。

UCS 兼容和 Soundminer 元数据。
所有音效标签均符合 UCS 标准,并按类别进行组织,以便通过易于理解的文件夹结构进行导航:氛围、弯曲、繁荣、布拉姆、冲锋、唐纳、鼓、元素、幻想、故障、影响、音乐循环、音乐毒刺、音乐过渡、积极、脉冲序列、立管、科幻、特殊、毒刺、微妙和嗖嗖。 Game & Film Logo Transitions 使用 soundminer 元数据嵌入文件中的大量元数据,帮助您在正确的时间找到正确的声音。



•405 个音频文件
•351 设计标志和过渡音效
•3.3 GB 的音频样本
•全部在 96k 24bit.wav
•包括整个库的多种格式:96k 24bit、44.1k 16bit .WAV
•包括 Soundminer 元数据,便于搜索
•1 小时 35 分钟的互动声音
•27 气氛
•8 动臂
•7 布拉姆
•7 充电
•5 唐纳
•30 元素
•12 幻想
•7 故障
•19 影响
•54 个音乐循环
•40 个音乐毒刺
•24 种音乐过渡
•20 正面
•4 脉冲序列
•7 个立管
•23 科幻
•39 特别
•39 毒刺
•19 微妙
•6 嗖嗖
•所有音效均适用于 youtube 且免版税


Epic Stock Media’s Game & Film Logo Transitions collection brings producers and sound designers a carefully handcrafted, versatile and wide ranging catalog of the most useful designed motion graphic sound effects for audio branding, intros, outros, twitch, youtube, explainer videos, audio logos and title screens. Inside you’ll be able to utilize over 400 original audio assets that will help you make polished sonic branding sound types like movements, transitions, reveals, appears, disappears, cinematic’s, and accents especially useful for audiovisual needs and productions.

Any brand can benefit from having their own sound.
Now it’s easy. Game & Film Logo Transitions sound identity toolkit will help you build powerful and emotional sonic branding and logo animation audio. Brands need to create reusable sonic assets that drive recognition at all touch points without neglecting user experience. That’s why we created Game & Film Logo Transitions, so you get to have everything you need to build a compelling signature sound, exciting cinematic’s, unique brand identity, motion graphic sound design and immersive sonic experiences. Ready to use in any game, film, video or anywhere transition sound fx are needed.

UCS Compliant & Soundminer Metadata.
All sound effects labeling is UCS compliant & is organized into categories to make it easier to navigate with understandable folder structures: Atmosphere, Bends, Boom, Braam, Charge, Downers, Drums, Elemental, Fantasy, Glitch, Impact, Musical Loops, Musical Stingers, Musical Transitions, Positive, Pulse Sequences, Risers, Sci-fi, Special, Stinger, Subtle, and Whoosh. Game & Film Logo Transitions features extensive metadata embedded in the files using soundminer metadata to help you find the right sound at the right time as well.

Product Details:

•405 audio files
•351 designed logo & transition sound effects
•54 ambient logo music loops
•3.3 GB of audio samples
•All in 96k 24bit.wav
•Includes multiple formats of the entire library: 96k 24bit, 44.1k 16bit .WAV
•Includes Soundminer metadata for easy search capability
•UCS Compliant
•1 hour 35 mins of interactive sound
•27 Atmosphere
•6 Bends
•8 Boom
•7 Braam
•7 Charge
•5 Downers
•2 Drums
•30 Elemental
•12 Fantasy
•7 Glitch
•19 Impact
•54 Musical Loops
•40 Musical Stingers
•24 Musical Transitions
•20 Positive
•4 Pulse Sequence
•7 Risers
•23 Sci-Fi
•39 Special
•39 Stinger
•19 Subtle
•6 Whoosh
•All sound effects are youtube friendly & royalty free

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