Windows (x64) | File size: 420 MB

又是那个神奇的时刻。您在收音机里听到一首歌,就迫不及待地想要采样或重新混音。真正的灵感。使用 ACID Pro,您将能够比任何其他 DAW 更快地勾勒出这个想法并将其转化为完成的音轨。其独特的工作流程、创新功能和专业工具专为基于循环和样本的音乐制作而设计。作曲、编曲、录音、混音和母带。但最重要的是:要有创意。体验 ACID Pro。

MIDI 可播放斩波器
ACID Pro 10 中更新的 MIDI Playable Chopper 可让您使用任何 MIDI 键盘播放样本、ACIDized 循环或您自己的录音。体验一种真正有趣的方式来重新排列样本印章并以前所未有的速度铺设图案。

ACID 变形垫
分配音轨、乐器或总线,并使用直观的控件进行演奏,灵感来自传奇的硬件音频效果单元,并塑造真正独特和创造性的音景。使用新的 ACID Morph Pads 发挥创意!



– 用于基于样本和循环的音乐制作的创意 DAW
– 新的! ACID 变形垫
– 新的!侧链
– 新的! MIDI Playable Chopper Remix Tool 中的瞬态检测
– 全新的虚拟乐器、效果器和酸化循环


It’s that magic moment again. You hear a song on the radio and you just can’t wait to sample or remix it. True inspiration. With ACID Pro, you will be able to sketch that idea and turn it into a finished track faster than any other DAW. Its unique workflows, innovative features and professional tools were designed specifically for loop- and sample-based music production. Compose, arrange, record, mix and master. But most importantly: be creative. Experience ACID Pro.

MIDI Playable Chopper
The updated MIDI Playable Chopper in ACID Pro 10 lets you play samples, ACIDized loops or your own recordings with any MIDI keyboard. Experience a truly playful way of rearranging sample chops and lay down patterns faster than ever before.

ACID Morph Pads
Assign audio tracks, instruments or busses and play around with the intuitive controls, inspired by legendary hardware audio effects units and shape truly unique and inventive soundscapes. Get creative with the new ACID Morph Pads!

ACIDized Loops
Benefit from an extensive library of loops and samples, and remix or compose with them in your own style. Always perfectly matched to tempo and key, loops can be adapted to a way that feels just right for your song.

Have you ever imagined to simply draw your loops on a multitrack timeline? Pick the right loop or sample and drop it onto your timeline. Then paint a new loop with the selected pen cursor anywhere you want, and hit the Play button. With only a few clicks you can flesh out arrangements on the fly, in seconds.

– The creative DAW for sample- and loop-based music production
– NEW! ACID Morph Pads
– NEW! Sidechaining
– NEW! Transient detection in the MIDI Playable Chopper Remix Tool
– Brand-new virtual instruments, effects and ACIDized loops



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