P2P | 25 June 2022 | 1.76 GB



您将逐步了解如何在 FL Studio 中无延迟地录制人声!


•如何使用混音器 100% 避免延迟
•如何使用音频接口减少延迟(DIRECT MONITOR 旋钮)
•如何在 FL Studio 中录制和编辑人声以获得出色的结果
•如何在FL Studio中录制和制作节拍时调整缓冲区大小

经过多年制作和录制我自己的专辑,您将学习在 FL Studio 中录制人声的最佳方法,而且结果超级简单。

请注意,要 100% 避免延迟并获得最佳录音体验,您需要一个混音器。但是,您可以使用带有直接监听旋钮(不是开关)的音频接口,这也会给您带来良好的效果,但不像混音器。


了解计算机和 DAW (FL Studio) 的音频延迟问题



If you are sick and tired of hearing latency when recording your vocals, then this course has your answer!

You will learn what is latency, how to fix latency (delay), and hardware you can acquire to give you a ZERO LATENCY recording experience.

You are shown STEP-BY-STEP how to record vocals in FL Studio with no latency!

What is Covered:

•How to Avoid Latency 100% with a Mixer
•How to Reduce Latency with an Audio Interface (DIRECT MONITOR Knob)
•How to Set Up Your Computer for Low Latency
•How to Record and Edit Vocals in FL Studio for GREAT Results
•How to Adjust Buffer Size when Recording and Making a Beat in FL Studio

After many years of producing and recording my own albums, you will learn the best way to record vocals in FL Studio with super easy results.

Note, to 100% avoid latency and get the best recording experience, you will need a mixer. You can however use an audio interface with a direct monitor knob (not a switch), which will also give you good results, but not like a mixer.

What You’ll REALLY Learn
How audio latency works (round-trip latency)..

Understand the problem of audio latency when it comes to your computer and DAW (FL Studio)

Learn how to set your buffer size depending on the stage of a song (at the beginning of the beat, recording, and mixing/mastering). Buffer size relates to latency, so it’s important to adjust this to optimum position throughout the song!

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