Team DECiBEL | 30 May 2022 | 9.21GB

Kora 是一位音乐制作人、巡回 DJ 和教师,曾在 Anjunadeep、Kindisch、Sol Selectas、Buddha Bar 和他自己的蒙特利尔唱片公司 Saisons Musique 等唱片公司发行。他对探索世界音乐和记录我们周围宇宙的热情与他自 2009 年以来作为室内音乐制作人的经验相结合。Kora 项目融合了有机元素和现代声音设计,从环境音乐和深室内音乐到部落音乐和前卫音乐。

在 343 Labs NYC 举办的 4 小时现场研讨会期间,Kora 将与学生合作,在 Ableton Live 中从头开始构建轨道。会议的目的是探索从头开始创作歌曲所需的创作过程和工作流程,同时使用不同的编辑和声音设计技术将简单的图层个性化为独特的声音元素。 Kora 将结合这些元素并将它们编排成一个有凝聚力的曲目,以便参与者可以学习新工具,帮助他们通过高效的工作流程和更多的创作自由潜入音乐制作。

– 探索创作过程
– 录制声音
– 演奏和编辑打击乐
– 创建有节奏的序列
– 声音设计和旋律
– 安排和平衡
– 音乐与事业问答

使用的软件将是 Ableton Live 10 Suite


Kora is a music producer, touring DJ, and teacher who released on labels like Anjunadeep, Kindisch, Sol Selectas, Buddha Bar, and his own Montreal record label Saisons Musique. His passion for exploring world music and recording the universe that surrounds us is combined with his experience as a house music producer since 2009. The Kora project blends organic elements and modern sound design, ranging from ambient and deep house to tribal and progressive music.

During a 4 hour in-person workshop at 343 Labs NYC, Kora will collaborate with the students to build a track from scratch in Ableton Live. The objective of the session is to explore the creative process and the workflow necessary to create a song from scratch while using different editing and sound design techniques to personalize simple layers into unique sounding elements. Kora will combine those elements and arrange them into a cohesive track so the participants can learn new tools to help them dive into music-making with an efficient workflow and more creative freedom.

– Exploring the creative process
– Recording sounds
– Playing with percussion and editing it
– Creating a rhythmic sequence
– Sound design and melodies
– Arrangement and balance
– Q&A on music and career

The software used will be Ableton Live 10 Suite

Thanks to the awesome SAMC for the supply!


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