15 May 2022 | 7.89 GB

James Hype 的混音技巧是一个完全在线的视频课程。它的 48 个视频课程和 53 个后续带注释的演示视频可通过任何网络浏览器访问,因此您可以随时随地通过手机、平板电脑或笔记本电脑进行学习。

这些材料被精心组织成模块,您的学习是自定进度的 – 现在购买并在本周、本月、明年享受它 – 这完全取决于您。

•我如何设置我的设备,以及对我来说真正重要的功能 – 如果你想像我一样做 DJ,那么正确设置你的设备是至关重要的。一旦我向您展示了真正重要的特性和功能,以及我如何使用它们,您就会立即开始了解我是如何 DJ 的。很快你也会以新的、令人兴奋的方式使用你的装备

•我所有最著名的转换背后的秘密——我将向你确切地展示我最知名的技巧,包括以前从未公开过的签名套路的故障,例如我著名的傻朋克“One More Time”vs FISHER“失去它”(YouTube 上超过 200 万次观看)等等

• 让您的 DJ 更上一层楼所需的个人技能 – 如何掌握循环、热提示、键混合、量化、过滤器、回旋、音高和速度、“推子灵巧”以及您的设备的其他特性和功能,以移动超越节拍混音的方式

•如何创建令人难以置信的、令人兴奋的组合 – 了解如何使用您的装备的每一个功能,让您的人群“为下降而尖叫”。学习如何将你的装备推向极限,使用狂野的音高变化、疯狂的交叉推子动作,甚至是你的开始/停止按钮,以增加紧张感和兴奋感……然后最终让他们在你选择时拥有它!

•我构建令人兴奋的现场混搭和混音的方式 – 就像在游戏中一样,是杀手级的“组合”让你远离其他人,并将真正的力量掌握在你的手中。我将向您展示如何结合我教给您的个人技巧和技能,这样您就可以轻松创建自己的现场混搭和混音,让您的人群大吃一惊

• 使用四个转盘进行 DJ 的简单方法 – 大多数现代 DJ 系统都有四个转盘,但很少有 DJ 会全部使用它们。我将向你展示并教你我的“四套牌系统”,解释我如何使用“额外”套牌(如果你想玩令人兴奋的动态套牌,你需要开始这样做)


•如何使用效果器为您的 DJ 增添刺激——无论是使用回声使事情听起来像史诗,还是使用“噪音”效果来营造紧张感,您都将确切地了解在何处、为什么以及如何结合效果

•我对DJ 的“轨道元素”方法——当谈到DJ 时,我不认为歌曲是“完整的东西”。相反,我将它们视为包含“元素”,我可以从中挑选来创建我的集合。我会教你这个方法,这与一些 DJ 的演奏方式有很大的不同,但它是我 DJ 风格的关键

•如何在任何 DJ 控制器上像我一样表演 – 我的表演方式不需要四个专业转盘和专业混音器。我将向您展示如何使用任何控制器来获得像我这样的结果,即使是最小的控制器,以及当您无法访问相同功能时的技巧和解决方法。不要让你的装备阻碍你!

在其九个模块、48 个核心课程和 53 个演示中,James Hype 的混音技巧是对 James DJ 如何进行的独特而完整的洞察,可帮助您以相同的方式演奏,并激发您发展自己的风格。它对世界上发展最快的 DJ 之一的方法的洞察力是前所未有的。


James Hype’s Mixing Skills is a video course, taken completely online. Its 48 video lessons and 53 follow-along annotated demo videos are accessible via any web browser, so you can follow any time, anywhere, on phone, tablet or laptop.

The material is organised carefully into modules, and your learning is self-paced – buy it now and enjoy it this week, this month, next year – it’s completely up to you.

•How I set up my gear, and the functions that really matter to me – It’s crucial to have your gear set up the right way if you want to DJ like I do. Once I show you the features and functions that really matter, and how I use them, you’ll immediately begin to understand how I DJ. Soon you’ll be using YOUR gear in new, exciting ways too

•The secrets behind all of my best-known transitions – I’ll show you EXACTLY how to perform my best-known tricks, including never-before revealed breakdowns of signature routines such as my famous Daft Punk “One More Time” vs FISHER “Losing It” (over 2m views on YouTube) and many more

•The individual skills you need to move your DJing to the next level – How to master loops, hot cues, keymixing, quantize, filters, spinbacks, pitch & tempo, “fader dexterity” and other features and functions of your gear, to move WAY beyond beatmixing

•How to create incredible, mind-blowing build-ups – Learn how to use every feature of your gear to make your crowds “scream for the drop”. Learn how to push your gear to the limits, using wild pitch changes, crazy crossfader action, even your start/stop buttons, to add tension and excitement… before finally letting them have it when YOU choose to!

•The way I build my exciting live mashups and remixes – Just like in gaming, it’s the killer “combos” that move you away from the rest, and put the real power in your hands. I’ll show you how to combine the individual tricks and skills that I teach you, so you can easily create live mashups and remixes of your own, that blow your crowds away

•The easy way to DJ using four decks – Most modern DJ systems have four decks, but few DJs use them all. I’ll show and teach you my “four deck system”, explaining how I use the “extra” decks (if you want to play exciting, dynamic sets, you NEED to start doing this)

•The unique ways I use acapellas in my sets – I’m famous for my creative use of acapellas – for me they are the “glue” that holds together my transitions. From start to end I’ll reveal to you how I find, prepare and incorporate acapellas in my sets, including my method for making “problem acapellas” work. Soon you’ll be able to use your favourite acapellas exactly how I use mine

•How to use effects to add excitement to your DJing – Whether it’s using echo to make things sound epic, or using the “noise” effect to build tension, you’ll learn exactly where, why and how to incorporate effects

•My “track elements” approach to DJing – I do not see songs as “complete things” when it comes to DJing. Instead, I approach them as containing “elements”, which I can pick and choose from to create my sets. I’ll teach you this method, which is a big break from how some DJs play, but is key to my style of DJing

•How to perform like me on any DJ controller – The way I perform does NOT need four pro decks and a pro mixer. I’ll show you how to use any controller to get results like mine, even the smallest controllers, with tricks and workarounds for when you don’t have access to the same features. DO NOT let your gear hold you back!

Across its nine modules, 48 core lessons and 53 demos, James Hype’s Mixing Skills is a unique, complete insight into how James DJs, to help you play the same way, and to inspire you to develop your own style. It is unprecedented in the insight it gives into the methods of one of the world’s fastest-rising DJs.

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