DEUCES | 25 April 2022 | 5.58 GB

了解 EQ 的主要形式及其功能,以便您了解如何使用每种形式来改善您自己的音乐。




加入多白金音乐制作人、工程师和 FaderPro 的联合创始人 Vincent di Pasquale,他将带您深入了解均衡科学。

您将了解 EQ 的主要形式及其功能,然后演示如何在项目中使用每种形式。在本课程结束时,您将准备好自信而轻松地处理任何混音课程。

Vincent di Pasquale 是多白金唱片制作人、工程师和 FaderPro 的联合创始人。在过去的二十年里,Vincent 作为当今一些最著名的艺术家的抢手混音师和工作室工程师,悄悄地引起了人们的关注。他曾与一连串令人难以置信的音乐家合作,包括麦当娜、奈莉·弗塔多、贾斯汀·汀布莱克、玛丽亚·凯莉、艾略特小姐、提姆巴兰等等。他在大西洋唱片、索尼音乐、环球唱片、Island Def Jam、Toolroom 和 Subliminal 等主要和独立唱片公司发布了项目。

以重生的名义,他对麦当娜的热门歌曲“4 Minutes”(壮举贾斯汀汀布莱克)的混音在公告牌的热门舞蹈/俱乐部播放排行榜上排名第一。单曲继续获得双白金状态。文森特在电子音乐方面有着悠久的历史,制作了许多混音并设计了一些舞曲的热门歌曲,包括 Lee Cabrera 的“Shake It (Move a Little Closer)”。

文森特热衷于与有抱负的制作人和音乐家分享他的知识和经验,这导致他共同创立了 FaderPro。他还为 Apple 举办过教育活动,并担任过 SAE 学院和科罗拉多大学的讲师。

数字音频工作站:Logic Pro


Learn about the main forms of EQ and their capabilities so you can understand how each one can be used to improve your own music.

The Science of Sound series of courses go deeper into important production topics that you’ll use again and again in your own productions.

Understanding the fundamentals behind concepts like equalization, compression, delay and the way in which we as engineers and listeners perceive sound will allow you to approach your productions with a greater confidence, purpose and know-how.

No PhD needed, the science-y parts are explained by our awesome educators in a way that anyone can understand.

Join Vincent di Pasquale, multi-platinum music producer, engineer and a co-founder of FaderPro, as he takes you on a deep dive into the science of equalization.

You’ll get a walkthrough of the main forms of EQ and their capabilities, followed by a demonstration of how each one can be used in a project. By the end of this course, you’ll be ready to approach any mixing session with confidence and ease.

Vincent di Pasquale is a multi-platinum music producer, engineer and a co-founder of FaderPro. Over the past two decades, Vincent has quietly garnered attention as a sought-after remixer and studio engineer for some of today’s most celebrated artists. He has worked with a litany of incredible musicians, including Madonna, Nelly Furtado, Justin Timberlake, Mariah Carey, Missy Elliott, Timbaland and many more. He has released projects on both major and independent labels including Atlantic Records, Sony Music, Universal, Island Def Jam, Toolroom and Subliminal.

Under the name Rebirth, his remix of Madonna’s smash hit “4 Minutes” (feat. Justin Timberlake) reached #1 on Billboard’s Hot Dance/Club Play chart. The single went on to earn double-platinum status. Vincent has a deep history in electronic music, crafting many remixes and engineering some of dance music’s biggest hits, including Lee Cabrera’s “Shake It (Move a Little Closer).”

Vincent is passionate about sharing his knowledge and experience with aspiring producers and musicians which led to his co-founding of FaderPro. He has also done educational events for Apple and has been a lecturer for both SAE Institute and the University of Colorado.

Total runtime: 3hrs 15mins
DAW: Logic Pro

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