FANTASTiC | 14 April 2022 | 1.57 GB

欢迎来到“Wildcrow Progressive House Masterclass”,这是初学者和经验丰富的 Progressive House 制作人的终极学习体验。这个 3 小时 29 多小时的视频课程将教您制作专业声音渐进式室内曲目的过程和技巧。

多年来,我们收到无数请求,要求在 FL Studio 中提供完整的渐进式房屋制作教程,其中涵盖从头到尾创建实际音轨,以及展示所有技巧和技巧,以产生出色的声音。

才华横溢的制作人和 youtuber Wildcrow(又名 Eric Rodriguez)已经迎接挑战,并与 Myloops 合作创建了一个完整的 3 小时 29 长课程。在里面,他向您展示了他是如何从头开始创建完整的渐进式房屋制作的。

购买 Wildcrow Progressive House Masterclass 可以让您跟踪整个过程并了解制作出色的渐进式房屋曲目所需的步骤。本教程充满了技巧和制作技术,可帮助您更接近您的音乐制作目标。您将获得所有细节,这些细节将使您能够准备好将您的曲目发送出去!

此外,您还可以获得大师班期间制作的曲目 Wildcrow 的 FL Studio 项目文件(1 个“Production” FLP + 1 个“Mastering FLP)。这样,你真的可以从详细研究每个部分中学习,并直接从项目中学习。最后,您还将获得教程中使用的所有示例和预设,因此您拥有开始使用所需的一切!

这个大师班是为想要学习渐进式家庭音乐制作,更快地工作并同时改善他们的声音的艺术家而设计的。总体而言,它适用于对制作完整的渐进式房屋制作所需的步骤感到好奇的艺术家。此外,它也适合任何为自己的前卫浩室音乐寻找灵感的人。它面向 FL Studio 用户,但您将学到的技巧也可以应用于任何 DAW。


•包含大师班的FL Studio项目文件(.flp)
•包括合成器预设(Sylenth1 & Serum)
•包括关于音乐理论、编曲、构建、下降、EQ 技巧、声音选择、作曲、声音设计、混音、母带处理等方面的技巧!



在这个 3 小时 29 小时的长视频课程中,Wildcrow 将向您展示:

•设置 FL Studio 以更好地工作
• 大积聚和大跌的最佳技巧
•如何使用 FX 和自动化实现出色的过渡


Welcome to ‘Wildcrow Progressive House Masterclass’, the ultimate learning experience for beginner and experienced progressive house producers. This 3h29+ long video course will teach you the process and tricks to make professional sounding progressive house tracks.

Over the years, we’ve had countless requests for a full progressive house production tutorial in FL Studio, that covers creating an actual track from start to finish, along with showing all the tricks and tips resulting in a great sound.

Talented producer & youtuber Wildcrow (aka Eric Rodriguez) has risen up to the challenge and created a complete 3h29 long course in collaboration with Myloops. Inside, he shows you exactly how he creates a full progressive house production from scratch.

Purchasing the Wildcrow Progressive House Masterclass allows you to follow the whole process and understand the steps required to make a great sounding progressive house track. This tutorial is filled with tricks & production techniques that will help you get one step closer to your music production goals. You will get all the nitty gritty details that will get you to the point where you are ready for sending your track out for release!

In addition, you also get the FL Studio project files (1 “Production” FLP + 1 “Mastering FLP) of the track Wildcrow produced during the masterclass. This way, you can really learn from studying each section in detail, and learn from the project directly. Finally, you also get all the samples & presets used in the tutorial, so you have everything you need to get started!

Who is this course for
This masterclass is for artists who want to learn progressive house music production, work faster and improve their sound at the same time. Overall, it’s intended for artists who are curious about the steps required for making a full progressive house production. In addition, it’s also suited for anyone looking for inspiration for their own progressive house music. It’s aimed at FL Studio users, but the tricks you will learn can also be applied in any DAW.

This course is suitable for both beginner and advanced producers as it will take you from basic steps like creating a melody or using scales, to more advanced topics like using specific plugins.

What you will get in the Full Pack ?
•Full video masterclass on how to create a complete progressive house production from scratch
•3h29 long video from start to finish
•For beginners & advanced producers
•FL Studio project files of the masterclass included (.flp)
•Synth presets included (Sylenth1 & Serum)
•Samples included
•Includes tips on music theory, arrangement, buildups, drops, EQ tips, choice of sounds, composition, sound design, mixing, mastering, and a lot more !

What you will learn

In this 3h29 long video course, Wildcrow will show you :

•How to produce a progressive house track from beginning to end
•Setting up FL Studio to work better
•How to make progressive house chords & melodies
•Using scales to make your melodies
•Smart tricks with the piano roll
•Making a great sounding bassline for your track
•Sound design & sound selection for your key elements
•Layering elements to get a bigger sound
•How to create a great drum / percussion line for your track
•Grouping tracks to mix channels
•Using send busses for reverbs
•Making great sub-melodies for your track
•Creating great pads / strings for your track
•Mixing tricks to get a cleaner sound
•Best tricks for making big buildups and big drops
•How to make great transitions with FX & automations
•Making your sounds larger than life with delay, reverb, stereo spacing, etc.
•Working with EQ, compression, side-chain, etc.
•How to use a second project to master your song effectively
•Using EQ, references, multiband compression, limiting, stereo spacing for mastering
•And a lot more !


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