P2P | 08 March 2022 | 1.36 GB

你知道 Resolve 不仅仅是调色吗?在本课程中,我将向您展示 Resolve 的工具和功能范围,而不仅仅是颜色。本课程适用于创建任何类型视频作品的任何人。从初学者到专业人士,如果您从未在您的作品中使用过 Resolve,本课程将带您从创建项目到交付。

本课程适用于任何想要了解从头到尾通过 Resolve 完成项目的人,我们将介绍
•在本课程之后,您将有信心和知识跳入您的下一个项目并使用Da Vinci Resolve高效地开始创作!

Fred Trevino 是一位拥有超过 10 年经验的调色师。他为 HBO、范思哲、ESPN、Under Armour 等高端客户调色了 50 多部故事片和数百个项目。他的叙事色彩作品曾在圣丹斯、戛纳和 Slamdance 等知名电影节上放映。他的目标是利用他在职业生涯中积累的经验和技能来加速您在色彩领域的学习。


Did you know Resolve does more than just color grading? In this class I’ll show you the range of tools and features Resolve has beyond just color. This class is for anyone who creates any type of video production. From beginner to pro, if you’ve never used Resolve on one of your productions this class will take you from creating a project to delivery.

This class is for anyone wanting to learn what its like to take a project through Resolve from beginning to end and we’ll cover
•The Interface
•Handling Media
•Editing Basics
•More Advanced Editing Tools
•Working with Sound
•Mixing Audio
•Creating Titles
•The Color Page (of course)
•Exporting and Delivering your Project!
•After this class you’ll have the confidence and knowledge to jump into your next project and efficiently start creating using Da Vinci Resolve!

About Your Teacher
Fred Trevino is a colorist with over 10 years experience. He’s graded over 50 feature films and hundreds of projects for high end clients such as HBO, Versace, ESPN, Under Armour and more. His narrative color work has screened at well known film festivals like Sundance, Cannes, and Slamdance. His goal is to use the experience and skills he’s developed over his career to accelerate your learning in the field of color.

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