GbR | 24 July 2022 | AU VST VST3 | 1.93 GB

Brenes Technologies 通过 Bachata Guitar VSTi 将采样艺术提升到了一个新的水平,我们投入了大量时间和精力来模拟不同风格的最真实的 Bachata 吉他声音,包括主音、节奏、和弦、静音等。

Bachata Guitar VSTi 的声音是在 Romeo Santos、Prince Royce、Aventura、Monchy y Alexandra、El Torito、Juan Luis Guerra、Anthony Santos 等艺术家的启发下制作和雕刻的。

这个基于样本的虚拟乐器包含 15 种不同类型的电声吉他、Yamaha APX、Martin CEO8 和混合电声定制 Gibson ES3-35 的音色,全部通过麦克风 (SM81) 直接输出和 Pastillas Humbucker 拾音器采样 (Gibson Epiphone 1958 , Fishman Neo D) 并通过一对立体声 Neve 1073 A 类原装麦克风前置放大器进行处理,以获得最大的冲击力和清晰度。

如果您是制作人、作曲家或节拍制作人,想要获得非常受欢迎的 bachata 吉他声音,您将会爱上这个易于使用的 VST 插件。

乐器列表 – 预设
Bachata 吉他 VSTi
Bachata 领导 Clasico
巴查特拉合唱团 R1
Bachatera Classica HBK
Bachaton de Los Tigres
贝斯挡泥板 Bachatero
GT Acordes 和弦弹奏
GT Moderna 层堆栈
GT Moderna 静音纽约混合动力车
GT Moderna NYC 混合动力车
GT 工作室负责人
GT Studio Ritmo
Guitarra Suave y Tierna 吉他
PR 弹拨电
PR 软电


OS X 10.6 及更高版本
1.2 GB 磁盘空间
1.5 GB 内存

适用于 MAC VST 的兼容 DAW 主机
Cubase、Nuendo、Studio ONE、Ableton Live、Digital Performer、Maschine、MPC REN、Reaper。专业工具

适用于 MAC 音频单元 AU 的兼容 DAW 主机
Apple LOGIC Pro、Logic Pro X、Apple Garage Band、Studio ONE、Ableton Live。

与 Pro Tools 的兼容性
除非您拥有或购买 AAX,否则我们的插件将无法在 Pro-Tools 上运行。 RTAS 兼容主机应用程序,例如:我们强烈推荐的来自 DDMF 的 METAPLUGIN。
Pro Tools 的其他 VST 主机应用程序包括 The Blue Cat Audio PatchWork 插件、Vienna VEP5、Native Instruments Maschine 和 Chainer。


Brenes Technologies has taken the art of sampling to new levels with Bachata Guitar VSTi, we invested lots of time and effort to emulate the most authentic Bachata Guitar Sounds in different Styles including , lead, rhythm, chords, muted and more.

The sound of Bachata Guitar VSTi was crafted and sculpted with the inspiration of artists such as Romeo Santos, Prince Royce, Aventura, Monchy y Alexandra, El Torito, Juan Luis Guerra, Anthony Santos.

This sample based virtual instrument contains 15 patches of several types of Electro- Acoustic Guitars, Yamaha APX, Martin CEO8 and a Hybrid Electro Acoustic custom Gibson ES3-35 ,all Sampled through Microphones (SM81) Direct ouputs and Pastillas Humbucker Pickups (Gibson Epiphone 1958, Fishman Neo D) and Processed through a Stereo Pair of Neve 1073 Class A Original Mic Pre-amps to get the most punch and clarity.

If you are a producer, composer or beat maker trying to get that very sought after bachata guitar sound you will fall in love with this easy to use VST Plugin.

Instrument list – Presets
Bachata Guitar VSTi
Bachata Lead Clasico
Bachatera Chorus R1
Bachatera Classica HBK
Bachaton de Los Tigres
Bass Fender Bachatero
GT Acordes Chord Strums
GT Moderna Layer Stack
GT Moderna Muted NYC Hybrid
GT Moderna NYC Hybrid
GT Muted HBK
GT Studio Lead
GT Studio Ritmo
Guitarra Suave y Tierna
PR Muted Electrica
PR Plucked Electrica
PR Soft Electrica
Rolls Royce

Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

System Requirements
System Requirements
OS X 10.6 And Above
1.2 GB Disk Space
1.5 GB RAM

Compatible DAW Hosts for MAC VST
Cubase, Nuendo, Studio ONE, Ableton Live, Digital Performer, Maschine, MPC REN, Reaper. Pro-Tools

Compatible DAW Hosts for MAC Audio Units AU
Apple LOGIC Pro, Logic Pro X, Apple Garage Band, Studio ONE, Ableton Live.

Compatibility with Pro Tools
Our Plugins will NOT work on Pro-Tools Unless you own or buy a AAX. RTAS compatible host application like: METAPLUGIN from DDMF which we highly recomend.
Other VST host applications for Pro Tools include The Blue Cat Audio PatchWork plug-in, Vienna VEP5, Native Instruments Maschine and Chainer.


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