KONTAKT | 730.58 MB

我很高兴推出 Soft Nylon Guitar,它提供了亲密录制的尼龙弦吉他的美丽和温暖,同时详细的脚本和仔细的校准复制了真实吉他的所有行为和细微差别。正如它的名字所暗示的那样,样品的执行重点是柔软和细腻。该乐器适用于 Kontakt 5.8.1+,包括免费的 Kontakt Player。还有一个免费的“精简版”供您试用,可用于 DecentSampler。

我没有使用全尺寸的古典吉他及其有点“正式”的音色,而是采样了一把我在电视制作音乐和视频游戏配乐中使用过无数次的小型尼龙吉他,它提供了多种风格的非常灵活的声音,从传统古典和民间到现代制作流派。 Soundcloud 演示播放器以各种风格展示了该乐器。

经过几年的开发,我的使命是提供一款能够通过直观的实时演奏体验提供突破性真实感的吉他 VST。我希望这款乐器能激发您将尼龙吉他的美感融入您的作品中。


Mike Georgiades 吉他手和作曲家


适用于 Kontakt 5.8.1+(包括免费的 Kontakt 播放器)
通过 Spitfire 音频购物车购买(您需要一个 Spitfire 音频帐户)
通过 Spitfire Audio App 下载并通过 Native Access 授权产品序列。单击此处获取安装说明。
4x Round Robin / 3x Velocity Layer 样本,脚本更多
24bit / 48k 样本
NKS 就绪
有用的 GUI 指南,用于创建真实的吉他声部


The story
I am very happy to introduce Soft Nylon Guitar, offering the beauty and warmth of an intimately recorded nylon string guitar, whilst replicating all the behaviours and nuances of a real guitar through detailed scripting and careful calibration. As its name suggests, the samples were performed with emphasis on the soft and delicate. The instrument is available for Kontakt 5.8.1+, including the free Kontakt Player. There is also a free “lite” version for you to try that is available for DecentSampler.

Rather than using a full-size classical guitar and its somewhat ‘formal’ tone, I sampled a small- bodied nylon guitar that I have used countless times on my TV production music and video game scores, which offers a very flexible voice in many styles, from traditional classical and folk to modern production genres. The Soundcloud demo player showcases the instrument in various styles.

After some years in development, my mission has been to offer a guitar VST capable of delivering ground-breaking realism through an intuitive real-time playing experience. I hope this instrument will inspire you to incorporate the beauty of the nylon guitar into your work.

Many thanks,

Mike Georgiades Guitarist & Composer

Full Version Product Info:

Available for Kontakt 5.8.1+ (including the free Kontakt Player)
Purchase via Spitfire Audio Cart (you will need a Spitfire Audio Account)
Download via the Spitfire Audio App and authorise the product serial via Native Access. Click here for Installation Instructions.
4x Round Robin / 3x Velocity Layer samples, scripted for more
24bit / 48k samples
NKS Ready
Articulations include slurs, slides and hits
Tuning / Capo System for defining open string (pedal) notes
Innovative Sustain Pedal System
Helpful GUI guide for creating authentic guitar parts


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