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Boom 3D for Windows 是一款屡获殊荣的专业音频增强应用程序,旨在通过任何耳机、任何播放器、任何媒体或流媒体服务播放具有令人难以置信的 3D 效果的媒体内容。您不需要昂贵的耳机或昂贵的环绕声增强器来感受您的音乐。

使用 Boom 的世界级增强功能调整您的系统范围的音频

使用 3D 环绕技术体验电影、游戏和音乐,无需任何特殊耳机来调高音量或昂贵的环绕扬声器助推器,即可提供令人惊叹的虚拟环绕声。

最先进的均衡器,具有 31 个频段,可实现精确的音频调谐。适用于 Mac 和 Windows 的 Boom 3D 还提供了大量精心手工制作的预设,以匹配不同的流派和个人的聆听品味。

Boom 3D 是一个系统范围的音量增强器,可以安全地将音量增加到超出其常规限制,以提供强烈而丰富的音频体验

Boom 3D 允许您管理单个应用程序的音量,并无缝地拥有不受干扰的电影/游戏/音乐体验,就像个人音乐播放器应用程序一样。

使用我们成熟的音频播放器播放您本地存储的歌曲,使用无与伦比的 Boom 效果,并创建播放列表来组织您的音乐收藏,就像您的个人音乐播放器应用程序一样。


Boom 3D for Windows is an award-winning pro audio enhancement app designed to play your media content with incredible 3D effects on ANY headphones, from any player, any media or streaming services. You would not need an expensive headphone or costly surround sound boosters to feel your music.

Features that make your world go BOOM!
Tweak your system-wide audio with Boom’s world-class enhance features

3D Surround
Experience movies, games and music with 3D Surround technology that offers a mind-blowing virtual surround sound without any special headphones to turn up the volume or costly surround speaker boosters.

Equalizer Presets
Most advanced Equalizers with 31 bands for precise audio tuning. Boom 3D for Mac & Windows also provides a vast array of presets carefully handcrafted to match different genres and individual taste of listening.

Boom Volume Booster
Boom 3D is a system-wide volume booster that safely increases the volume beyond its regular limits to deliver an intense and rich audio experience

Apps Volume Controller
Boom 3D allows you to manage individual application audio volumes and seamlessly have an undisturbed movie / game / music experience like a personal music player app.

State of the Art Audio Player
Play your locally stored songs with unbeatable Boom effects with our full-fledged audio player and create playlists to organize your music collections just like your personal music player app.



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