强大的新 Kontakt 乐器,用于创作当代部落和武士打击乐
Zero-G Elements Cinematic Rhythms 是一种全新的 Kontakt 乐器,用于创作当代部落和武士打击乐,参考《最后王国》、《帝国时代》和《刺客信条》等配乐的美学。

Elements Cinematic Rhythms 是终极的电影民谣打击乐库。 Elements Cinematic Rhythms 由令人难以置信的 Ethera Gold 系列的创造者 Stefano Maccarelli 开发,是 Elements 系列的第二章,是广受好评的 Elements Modern Scoring Synth 和 Ethera 系列的完美补充。

有 60 多种打击乐器、40 多种混合打击乐器和 70 多种多乐器。每个乐器都使用多达五个动态层、12 个循环和两个麦克风位置进行采样。乐器种类繁多,从武士鼓到部落打击乐,从低沉、深沉的打击乐一直到太鼓。您会为您的项目找到完美的打击乐器。


随附的 XF Core 音频引擎可让您深度处理声音,从而创建完全独特且量身定制的混合打击乐。

凭借 Elements Cinematic Rhythms 带来的众多可能性,您将获得一个非常强大且灵活的工具,可以创作完美的打击乐曲目,为您的作品提供美妙、原始和真实的声音。无论您是电影或电视音乐作曲家、视频游戏作曲家还是只是业余爱好者或初学者,Elements Cinematic Rhythms 都是由作曲家为作曲家创建的终极打击乐库。

– 超过 15GB(未压缩)的 24 位、48Khz 样本
– 超过 10.200 个样本
– 61 种多采样打击乐器
– 40 种多采样混合打击乐器
– 超过 70 种多乐器
– 2 个麦克风:关闭和房间
– 最多 12 轮循环命中
– 每个键和 1 键多力度映射多达 5 个动态级别
– 劳斯莱斯和连击
– 数以百计的真实性能音频循环
– 音频循环和循环映射在同一个键盘上
– 内部定序器
– 具有数百种节奏的音序器预设
– 强大的音频引擎,可以对原始声音进行强大的编辑和独特的声音创作可能性


重要提示:此产品需要完整版的 Kontakt 6.7.1!
它不能在免费的 Kontakt 播放器中运行,除非在演示模式下。


Powerful new Kontakt Instrument for creating contemporary tribal and warrior percussion
Zero-G Elements Cinematic Rhythms is a brand new Kontakt Instrument for creating contemporary tribal and warrior percussion referencing the aesthetic of soundtracks such as the Last Kingdom, Age of Empires and Assassin’s Creed.

Elements Cinematic Rhythms is the ultimate cinematic folk percussion library. Developed by Stefano Maccarelli, the creator of the incredible Ethera Gold series, Elements Cinematic Rhythms is the second chapter of the Elements series and is the perfect add-on to the critically acclaimed Elements Modern Scoring Synth and the Ethera series.

There are over 60 percussion instruments, over 40 hybrid percussion instruments, and over 70 multi-instruments. Each instrument is sampled with up to five dynamic layers, 12 Round Robins and two microphone positions. The list of instruments is extensive, from warrior drums to tribal percussion, low, deep percussion all the way up to taiko drums. You will find the perfect percussion for your project.

The instruments have been sampled to maintain a lively and life-like sound with two main microphones. The close mics have a great attention to detail and an intimate sound, and the room mics have a very big lively sound recorded in a large room with great acoustics.

The included XF Core Audio Engine allows you to process the sound in depth enabling you to create entirely unique and tailor-made hybrid percussion.

With the sheer number of possibilities that come with Elements Cinematic Rhythms you get an amazingly powerful and flexible tool to compose perfect percussion tracks that have a fantastic, raw, and authentic sound for your composition. Whether you are a film or TV music composer, video game composer or just a hobbyist or beginner, Elements Cinematic Rhythms is the ultimate percussion library, created by composers for composers.

– Over 15GB (Uncompressed) of 24bit, 48Khz samples
– Over 10.200 Samples
– 61 Multi-sampled Percussion Instruments
– 40 Multi-sampled Hybrid Percussion Instruments
– Over 70 Multi-Instruments
– 2 Mics: Close and Room
– Up to 12 Round Robin Hits
– Up to 5 Dynamic Levels mapped on each key and 1 Key multi velocity
– Rolls and Double Hits
– Hundreds of real performance Audio Loops
– Audio Loops and Round Robins mapped on the same Keyboard
– Internal Sequencer
– Sequencer Presets with Hundreds of Rhythms
– Powerful Audio Engine enabling powerful editing of original sounds and unique sound creation possibilities

IMPORTANT: This product requires the FULL version of Kontakt 6.7.1!
It will not work in the FREE Kontakt Player except in demo mode.

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