
Q Up Arts California Keys KONTAKT | 35.8 Gb
我们为专业的键盘手和作曲家录制了这个星球上最精致的乐器键盘此套件。10 英尺盛大法吉奥里录工作室 Bau:ton 设计工作室,在盐湖城,犹他州的对位声部工作室。我们在与中等收入国家的 11 个通道环绕记录这壮丽的仪器。


你会发现仪表板访问麦克风控制允许您自定义几乎任何音乐应用和声音类型钢琴。我们置于锤,在钢琴下中等收入国家,2 配对的土方工程室中等收入国家在两端的房间,以及古典的董事会,2 侧麦克风配置到玩家的权利。
We recorded the finest instruments on the planet for this suite of keyboards for professional keyboardists and composers. The Fazioli 10ft grand was recorded in a Studio Bau:ton designed studio, CounterPoint Studios in SLC, Utah. We recorded this magnificent instrument in surround with 11 channels of mics.

The piano is presented in stereo and surround. You’ll find these instruments extremely playable and inspiring. There has never been a sampled piano that you can play this softly. We programmed and designed these instruments for maximum expressivity and playability to fit every style of playing.

You’ll find the dashboard accessed microphone control allows you to customize the piano for virtually any musical application and sound type. We placed mics over the hammers, under the piano, 2 matched pairs of Earthworks room mics at both ends of the room as well as a classical ORTF, 2 side mic configuration to the right of the player.


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