The Gravitas Piano was designed specifically for trailer music. A piano that can cut through in a big and epic mix, yet still retain a lot of warmth and depth. To achieve this, we used a set of six stereo microphones and then combined these with their corresponding sound-designed (“Synthetic”) counterparts in post production.

Organic Piano: Yamaha Baby Grand Piano

  • 2x Brauner Phantom Classic Front End Audio Microphones (above the piano)
  • 2x DPA 4011A Cardioid Microphones (below the piano)
  • 2x Neumann KM184 Small-diaphragm Cardioid Condenser Microphones (above the keys, one on each side of the player)
  • 2x Neumann U87 Large-diaphragm Condenser Microphones (inside the lid)
  • 2x Coles 4038 Ribbon Microphones (inside the lid)
  • 2x Earthworks QTC40 Small-diaphragm Omnidirectional Condenser Microphones (room)

The Gravitas Piano comes with 35 “Synthetic” presets, made by some of the best producers in the trailer industry. These “Synthetic” presets can be accessed via the preset control on the “Synthetic” side of the piano. The “Organic” piano offers both Sustained and Staccato articulations. All of the “Synthetic” presets were made using the original samples from the “Organic” piano. No synthesizers or other instruments were used, just pure sound manipulation and sound design.

“Klavier Gravitas Piano and Red Planet Piano are absolutely gorgeous. Very strong and intimate but also powerful with deep rich ambiences and luscious trails. A classic, natural sounding piano with fantastic effects and a very clean and easy interface, thanks Audio Imperia for such a beautiful instrument.” Rod Abernethy – Composer: Rage, Deadspace

  • Klavier requires the full version of Kontakt 5.5.145 or higher (the patches will not run in the free Kontakt Player)
  • Please also be aware that when using multiple mic positions on both the organic and the synthetic/guitar side, the libraries can be RAM/CPU intensive. For both PC & MAC systems, we highly recommend at least 4GB of RAM and a quad-core CPU for optimal playback of the samples.


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