AIR Music Tech the RISER v1.0.7 WiN | 104Mb

The Riser is an all-new instrument for designing musical transitions of epic proportions. A powerful, synth-based instrument, The Riser features all of the tools you need to compose heart-stopping transitions in one intuitive user-interface. In seconds, you can construct rises, falls, swells, fades, and more, based on our coveted sound synthesis technology. For instant inspiration, The Riser includes 300 pro-grade presets that you can edit, deconstruct, copy, mangle, and implement into your tracks.
Transitions add suspense, hype, drama, and movement to your music. Cymbal swells and reversed instruments were go-to transitions for years, until the DAW pioneered fast and flexible audio editing, paving the way for complex sound effects. When combined with synths and other audio shaping tools, transitions completed their metamorphosis from science to art. Until now, this process has convoluted and time-intensive, taking attention away from the overall project itself. The composer spent more time trying to get plugins, virtual sample players, hardware effects, sound modules, and other gear to play nice with each other – and that was before hitting “record”.
A 3-for-All
Featuring the most powerful and musical virtual synthesis available, The Riser can be used to create classic transitions or effects never-before-heard by human ears. The core of The Riser’s mojo are three continuously variable oscillators; sweep, noise and chord. Each oscillator features a dedicated Filter send and graphical parameter depiction.
Sweep – featuring volume, frequency and oscillator shape – dictates the direction and progression of the transition. Create rises, falls, stops, and swells with audible and visible feedback.
Providing volume, shape, and pitch controls, the Noise oscillator infuses texture into your transition. Start shaping to add grit, bite, hiss, punch, and more to the effect.
The Riser’s Chord oscillator introduces you to an uncharted creative continent. Use it to match The Riser’s sonic structure to your song’s key (or a contrasting one) and blend it to taste; it can be as musical as you want.
Three Low Frequency Oscillators (LFOs) provide additional modulation to your transition. A tempo-sync’d LFO works in harmony with the native song tempo in your DAW to increase the transition’s complexity. The second LFO is free-running, meaning it has not ties to the native tempo. Third, the Pumper effect modulates the synthesis with dynamics control in tandem with track tempo. This pulsating effect adds punch and movement to the transition, and features various time divisions and depth controls for adapting to or accentuating your track.
For those looking for turn-key transitions, our team of sound designers have constructed 300 fully editable presets across various types, bringing modern, useable transitions to your project.
Wide Compatibility


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