Imperial Delay is designed to be a fast moving, powerful beast of a delay. It gives you complete control over every nuance of your delay, but does so in a way that doesn’t get in the way of your creative side.

Easy to use. Insanely powerful

Imperial Delay was designed from the beginning with two goals: Be the most powerful delay, and be easy to use. As it turns out, those two requirements tend to be at odds with each other. Some delays give you lots of control but require you to get out your lab coat and calculator in order to use it. Other delays sound great with only a couple knobs, but give you almost no options. Imperial Delay does both.

Every option that you would need in a delay is available at the twist of a single knob. If you need more control over those effects, you can enter the advanced controls and experiment to your heart’s content.

Boz Digital Labs’ new preset management system lets you save presets that go far beyond your DAW’s preset saving ability.

帝国延迟被设计成一个快速移动, 强大的延迟野兽。它让你完全控制你的延迟的每一个细微差别, 但这样做的方式并不妨碍你的创意方面。


帝国延迟从一开始就有两个目标: 成为最强大的延迟, 并且易于使用。事实证明, 这两个要求往往是不一致的。一些延迟给了你很多控制力, 但需要你拿出你的实验室外套和计算器才能使用它。其他的延迟听起来很好, 只有一对夫妇的旋钮, 但给你几乎没有选择。帝国延迟两者都有。

每一个选项, 你需要在延迟是可用的一个单一的旋钮扭曲。如果你需要对这些效果有更多的控制, 你可以输入先进的控件, 并根据你的内心内容进行实验。

Boz 数字实验室的新的预设管理系统可以让你保存的预设, 远远超出你的 DAW 的预置保存能力


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