所有标准维持样本都记录有踏板向上,踏板向下和半踏板位置。此外,我们还添加了staccatissimo(w / round robin)快速演奏风格和我们华丽的Una Corta(软踏板)发音,它必须是最温暖和最软的钢琴表演记录。

1901 Upright演播室钢琴还包含一个大量的准备发音,这也包括在图书馆。直立式钢琴技术包括用各种乐器拨弦,静音演奏和独特的演奏风格。此外,图书馆可以完全控制动态响应以及力学和音调质量,因此您可以拨打完美的声音为您的工作流程。


该库包括6种不同类型的麦克风,包括Neumann 87\’s,Coles,Neve SE Ribbon\’s,AKG 414\’s,Neumann KM 184\’s和一个混合麦克风位置,通过结合所有24个麦克风使用的会议。我们还通过两个世界级的混响(Bricasti和TCElectronics 6000)录制所有的样本,所以你有最好的麦克风和混响在你的指尖。

最后,我们通过Studer A820磁带机录制了所有内容(是的 – 我们使用真正的磁带,而不是模拟),所以你可以选择以数字形式播放样本,或者通过Studer A820听到它们,独特的感觉和真实的复古感觉的样品。


Introducing the 8DIO Legacy Piano Series – a collection of deep-sampled world-class pianos. The 8Dio Legacy Piano Series marks the next evolution in hyper-realistic piano sampling – both in regards to playability, character and expressiveness of the pianos.

Recorded and processed at 24-Bit/96kHz at 8Dio’s famous British Studio through a large custom NEVE desk, the 1901 Upright Studio Piano collection contains both standard and prepared articulations. All standard sustain samples were recorded with both pedal up, pedal down and half pedal positions. In addition, staccatissimo (w/ round robin) was also added for fast playing styles and 8Dio’s gorgeous Una Corta (Soft Pedal) articulation, which has to be one of the warmest- and softest piano articulations ever recorded.

The library includes six different type of microphones, including Neumann 87′s, Coles, Neve SE Ribbon’s, AKG 414′s, Neumann KM 184′s and a mixed microphone position, which was made by combining all 24 microphones used in the sessions. All the samples were recorded through two world-class reverbs (Bricasti and TCElectronics 6000), so you have the best microphones and reverbs right at your finger tips. Lastly everything was recorded through a Studer A820 Tape-Deck, so you can either choose to play the samples in their digital form or hear them through the Studer A820, which provides a very unique feeling and authentic vintage feel to the samples.


  • Software type: Virtual Piano
  • Plug-in format(s): VST, AU, AAX
  • Computer platform: Mac & Windows
  • Delivery: Software download
  • Version: Full version

Sound Library

  • Total library size: 23.8 GB
  • Sound generation: Sample based
  • Integrated effects: Yes
  • Standalone: Yes
  • Expandable: No

Minimum System Requirements

  • Free hard drive space: 23.8 GB
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Authorization: NI Service Center
  • Mac requirements: Quadcore 2.6 GHz
  • Windows requirements: Quadcore 2.4 GHz
  • 64-bit compatibile: Yes
  • Kontakt required: Yes, version 5.3 or later



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