


Gospеl Musicians Neo-Soul Suitcase Library for KONTAKT | 1.26 Gb

The Neo-Soul Suitcase Library for Kontakt 4 is a very specific urban sounding suitcase that is designed to reproduce the exact sound, feel, and playability of a real Electric Piano Suitcase with the detail and expressiveness of the Fender cabinet and, of course, the most beautiful vibrato. Our #1 goal was to make sure that if you were not able to take a real Suitcase to your gig or studio, then this plugin would be the next best thing.
Our EP sound is a combination of samples (2.6GB), and complex impulse response algorithms that will give you the grit of hip-hop; the silkiness of R&B; and the soul in neo-soul. Our absolute number one goal was realism and with vintage modeled effects, complex impulse response algorithms, advanced FX, and tweak-able knobs for ultimate control, you will have the best EP experience ever produced in a plugin. With all of this, we can safely say that you can leave your Suitcase at home and replace it with the Neo-Soul Suitcase.
When we first brought the Ne-Soul EP sounds to the Yamaha Motif, we weren’t sure of it’s success and need, but we soon found out that people have been thirsting for a new and fresh EP plugin for a long time. After the success of the Neo-Soul EP for the Yamaha Motif ES/XS/XF, many users have been bombarding us with E-mails asking us to to please produce some authentic and real EP sounds for their DAW as a plugin. We were not sure if there was a need for yet another EP plugin as there are several good ones already out. But many expressed a need for a high quality EP sound that would appeal to urban type of music with a lot of soul. Many wanted an EP Suitcase sound that was phat, warm, and sounded extremely realistic. Because real musicians trust other real musicians, we felt a sense of responsibility to put out a Suitcase patch that plays and sounds amazing, but with our own musicality and personality in it as well. So what came about was the new Neo-Soul Suitcase Library for Kontakt.


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