iZotope RX 6 Audio Editor Advanced v6.10 WiN | 609 Mb

The professional’s choice for audio repair raises the bar with game-changing new features for music and post production. Trusted by the top audio pros around the world, RX is built on years of extensive research in advanced digital signal processing and machine learning.

RX 6 introduces new features and workflows that allow you to easily edit, repair, and restore musical performances. Thanks to innovations in vocal repair, mic bleed removal, and composite editing, you can save hours of editing time while preserving the original performance. RX 6 Standard includes Spectral Repair and Instant Process, allowing you to surgically remove noise issues that can ruin an otherwise flawless performance. Instantly paint away recording issues like air conditioners, fret noise, outdoor traffic, cell phones, and mic bumps in a matter of seconds. Perfect for home recording studios and live performances where ambient noise is an issue.

Many of the world’s largest post production and broadcast facilities rely on RX to repair and enhance audio for a few simple reasons: it’s easy to use and gets professional results quickly, saving time and money. In version 6, we focused on solving some of the biggest issues in audio post, including lavalier mic rustle, intermittent low-end wind rumble, and dialogue isolation.


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