PSPaudioware PSP StereoPack 1.9.9 (Win/Mac) | 6/22 Mb

PSP StereoPack is collection of 4 plug-ins (VST, RTAS and AAX format for Windows; AudioUnit, VST, RTAS and AAX for Mac OSX and VST and MAS for OS 9). The set consists of: PSP PseudoStereo , PSP StereoEnhancer , PSP StereoController , PSP StereoAnalyser . These plug-ins are applied for creating, expanding, improving, controlling and analysing the image and quality of the stereo signal in single tracks or mixes thereof.

PSP PseudoStereo plug-in enables the conversion of the mono signal into a stereo one. Due to processor operation the mono signal gains features resembling a record performed by the use of a pair of microphones. This appliance proves particularly valuable when mixing MIDI material, when for instance percussion tracks need some depth and natural spatial effect. This plug-in enables the user to create the impression of “vigorous drums” based on mono samples. It can also be used for the purpose of re-mastering mono tracks.


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