
Overloud is proud to announce the release of SpringAge, the new reference in spring reverb simulation.

SpringAge – a new reference in spring reverb simulation

Based on a mixed convolution and algorithmic technology, Overloud SpringAge can give the advantages of the two worlds. If you have never been able to get the real tone and dynamic of a spring reverb out of a plugin, then you need to check it out.

With three spring models, taken from the most standard and acclaimed vintage and modern gears, SpringAge always gives the perfect tone on any kind of instrument, ranging from guitars to vocals, keyboards and synthesizer.

Model List
SpringAge offers three top-quality spring models
• AQTX is the most classic spring, which takes the best out of your guitar and vocal tracks
• S201 is perfect for any keyboard, synth and lead instrument
• ANGEL really rocks out your tracks

Key Features
• Drive control let’s you push into saturation the tube stage which drives the spring
• Full control over any characteristic of the spring tone
• Boingy knob controls the amount of the typical “boingg…” spring response to transients
• Two band multifunction fully parametric EQ for perfectly shape the spring tone
• Stereo mixing matrix of dry and wet is able to create any stereo panorama
• Ultra low CPU usage

SpringAge is available as a plugin in VST, RTAS and AU format for Mac OSX 10.5 or higher and Windows XP or higher. Both 32 bit and 64 bit version are natively available. It is currently shipping (list price 79 EUR) and available for download from Overloud website   http://www.overloud.com.


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