QuikQuak Fusion Field v3.x (Win / Mac OS X) | 3 MB
Fusion Field is a smooth diffusion reverb that sits beautifully in a mix. A clean, unobtrusive sound with a natural falloff that floats and complements the source material perfectly. Designed to imitate complex, natural spaces, it is also very easy to use. The main ‘cloud’ display represents the reverb in terms of time and frequency, showing all the main parameters and EQ in a natural way. The reverberation can be dampened in the upper and lower frequencies, allowing soft sibilance and a graceful, lifting air to the sound. Having very few controls does not hinder Fusion Field’s usefulness. The dial ranges have been sloped to give the best sensitivity in useful regions, and the whole unit can create short snappy rooms, or vast time-suspended spaces, and anything in between.
• A clean stereo reverb, with an even decay.
• Completely new core engine based on delay free convolution.
• White-noise contruction for perfect diffusion at any sample rate.
• Intuitively linked Decay, Attack and Delay dials.
• Designed to represent many natural spaces, with minimal complexity.
• Cloud display representation for all time and frequency aspects. This replaces the usually separate envelope and EQ displays with one concise image, displaying frequency energy over time.
• Fast editing, for that quick grab effect.
• Zero latency.
Why use this?
Removing the character of uneven early reflections and various room shapes leaves the sound pure, so it’s able to hold the sound in time. Simply enhancing the sound image without obtrusive additional tones allows for more space in the mix. Fusion Field gathers reflections immediately, smoothing out initial transients, then realistically diffuses the sound to the specified decay time. The interface has a logical layout, prompting fast editing with expected results.
What really makes it different?
You can dial up any type of space very easily, with the use of Decay, Spread, and Distance parameters – the algorithms create the suitable room simulations for you.
Complete stereo whitening, even at very tight spread settings.
Incredibly light on CPU resources.
It’s subtle, but Fusion Field’s unique algorithm creates a highly diffuse and different sound than a typical all-pass filter reverb.


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