MPowerSynth comes with over 1500 community-designed presets, post-processed to get the highest possible quality. Each preset features at least 4 macro controls, automatically assigned to standard MIDI controllers such as modulation wheel or expression pedal. This means an inexhaustible set of leads, pads, basses, effects and much more… And if you run out of inspiration or simply want something really new, our ground-breaking smart randomization engine will let you create literally an infinite number of sounds (if you have enough time).

Sounds better than both analogue & digital

Almost all digital synthesizers on the market produce severe aliasing. Some try to fight it by oversampling, some ignore it, and others simply add some noise and tell you that this simulates analogue synthesizers. Analogue synthesizers on the other hand suffer from limited versatility, distortion induced by the imperfection of the analogue components, and, of course, noise. MPowerSynth oscillators provide crystal clear sound free of any aliasing, distortion and other imperfections. But of course, if you want to make it less perfect, MPowerSynth gives you plenty of opportunities to do so. Don’t take our word for it – get the trial and check it yourself! If you don’t hear it, just use an analyzer, MAnalyzer is free .

More than 100 ultra versatile filters

MPowerSynth features extremely versatile double-distorting filters, two of them for each voice and any number of them in the FX section. Each filter provides advanced input distortion and output saturation, and the filter itself is powered by its own envelope or you can control it using the powerful modulators. And you can choose from more than 100 different filters – from classic low/high/band-pass and shelves, to formant, comb, diffuser, polymorph filters and much more.

The ultimate modular FX section

MPowerSynth features almost all of the top-class effects that MeldaProduction is known for in an easy-to-use modular environment. If you just want a great sounding rotary or chorus, it is 2 clicks away. But you can have literally any number of effects you want, connect them however you want, add feedback etc. or the smart randomizer can generate the whole FX structure for you! And if you jump in manually, it really lets you unleash your creativity! So what effects do you have at your disposal? Over 35, including modulation effects such as chorus and phaser, filters, distortion, dynamics and much more. And of course lots of building blocks, such as a crossover, feedback, mixer etc.

Extremely versatile modulators

All our creative plugins feature probably the most versatile modulators on the market, and MPowerSynth is no exception. Whenever you wish to bring life to the sound, it is just a few clicks away. You can modulate literally anything using LFO, envelope or a random generator. Targets such as like MIDI reset, sync, custom LFO and envelope shapes are certainly available…

Polyphonic arpeggiator

MPowerSynth’s polyphonic arpeggiator is so versatile, that you may consider it cheating! It can follow your chords up, down, randomly, play all of the notes, specific interval, or any combination. Then you have shuffle, note length, multi-octave etc. You can change velocity, octave, length and even probability for each step. And the best part is, as always, the smart randomizer, which lets you generate complete arpeggiator settings, or just some sequences…get inspired!

New standard in audio synthesis

MPowerSynth just gives you more than you are used to – custom glide shape, custom velocity curve, harmony voices, automatic output volume setup, safety limiter, up to 16x oversampling and much more… Whether you are focused on audio quality, maximum creativity or ease-of-use, MPowerSynth provides more. But it is also easy to get started, using the additional features whenever you want. MPowerSynth is a new class of synthesizers focused on the future.



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