
Togu Audio Line TAL-BassLine-101 v1.64
WiN: 11.76 Mb | MacOSX: 14.96 Mb
TAL-BassLine-101 is a monophonic bass synthesizer with a classic analogue sound. The GUI is intuitive and easy to use. It produces the raw sound you know from analogue devices without any effects. BassLine has a very smooth and authentic analogue sounding 24dB zero feedback delay resonance low pass filter. Especially designed and calibrated for extreme settings. It sounds even smooth with a lot resonance and a high oscillator pitch. Details as envelope transitions between overlapping notes are carefully modeled. The oscillators do not use any samples. BassLine generates all wave-forms in real time.
* Self resonating zero feedback delay filter (24dB LP).
* Calibrated and tuned after our hardware device.
* Midi learn / automation for all controls.
* Alias free oscillators for an authentic sound also @ 44’100Hz sampling rate.
* Arpeggiator with different sync modes (host, midi clock, not on).
* Original (RC) and linear portamento mode.
* Built in arpeggiator with some additional modes.
* Powerful step sequencer with up to 96 steps and recording option.
* 6 voice poly mode.
* Sequencer MIDI export with drag and drop.
* Sequencer / arpeggiator MIDI out for VSTi version.
* De-Clicker mode for slower envelopes :/
* More than 300 presets.
* All sample rates supported.


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