Cinesamples Tina Guo Artist Series KONTAKT | 11.6 Gb
An expansive arsenal of innovative sound design and composition tools brought to life through a collection of expressive electric / acoustic cello and erhu performances.
The Tina Guo library offers an exquisitely unique and progressive take on the Acoustic and Electric Cello, as well as the traditional Chinese instrument, the Erhu. Encapsulating Tina’s ultra-expressive and experimental performance style within a sample library is an undertaking that was accomplished through blurring the lines between music and sound design- a vital element of her music. An expansive arsenal of innovative sound design and composition tools introduce a multitude of new ways to explore and create fresh sounds that will certainly take your productions to the next level.
The Tina Guo library does not require you to purchase any additional sample playback software, and is licensed to work with the Native Instrument’s free Kontakt Player. All you need is a sequencer like Logic, Cubase, Digital Performer, LIVE, Pro Tools, or Cakewalk, and you’ll be up and running.
Reflecting the fact that Tina’s sound and approach to her instruments are constantly evolving, the library includes a multitude of inventive features that give the player the opportunity to similarly develop fresh sound in many new and different ways. These include:
– The Phrase Builder: A system for constructing melodic ideas using fragments of Tina’s performances in a variety of playing styles
– Drone Designer: Create variable sonic beds by manipulating intensity and navigating through long samples of unfolding cello drones using the Mod wheel
– Built-in Granular Synth FX: Explore harmonically rich and complex sound design spread across the stereo field with left-right grainer functionality
– Repeated Note Round Robin Staccatos (RNRRS): A new function that automatically switches to a separate RR sample set upon repeating a short note, resulting in a far more natural cello sound and feel


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