Impact Soundworks Plectra Series 3 Kazakh Dombra KONTAKT | 381 Mb
Welcome to the third entry in our Plectra Series of deep-sampled plucked, picked, and strummed instruments from around the globe! The Kazakh Dombra is an ancient fretted lute with two strings and an integral part of traditional music from Kazakhstan. It is playable as a solo instrument, as part of an ensemble, or to accompany epic songs and poetry. To truly capture the authentic playing style of the dombra, our instrument was performed by Asset Abdrakhmanov in Almaty, Kazakhstan and recorded by Sergei Smorgov.
The dombra has a bright, percussive tone with a quick decay, making it ideal for very quick playing; to facilitate this, we sampled the instrument with up to 16x RR (8x up/8x down) per chromatic note on both strings. Along with useful features like an octave of unpitched quick strums and ‘repetition triggers’ that allow for extremely fast live parts, this is our first library to feature flexible velocity mapping AND keyswitching. You can easily enable or disable any articulation, change their velocity range, or assign custom notes to toggle them on or off!
Articulations in Plectra Series 3 include multiple types of pitch bend articulations that help reproduce the colorful range of timbres the dombra is capable of. These include mordents (single up-and-down bends), major and minor trills (repeating between two notes), and full neck slides from each note on each string. Standard sustains and muted playing are of course also available, along with true legato hammer-on and pull-off playing for authentic transitions between notes.
This library is a fantastic tool for those looking to add an authentic East European / Russian sound to their arsenal. From chase scenes to underscore, virtuosic solo parts, or layering with other sounds of the region, we think you will find the textures of this instrument to be very musical and inspiring!
• Deep-sampled two-stringed lute
• Up to 16x RR per note (8x up/8x down)
• Intimate close-miced sound
• Scripted interface for easy tone control
• Sustains, trills, mordents, tremolo
• Mutes, hammer-ons, slides
• Custom velocity/keyswitch mapping
• Full chokes, strums & repetition triggers


影响SOUNDWORKS拨子系列3哈萨克冬不拉Kontakt | 381 MB
冬不拉有一个明亮,敲击音快速衰减,使它理想很快打;推动这项工作,我们采样仪器与上升到16X(RR 8X起来/ 8x)每色注意两个字符串。随着有用的功能就像一个八度音阶组成快速挥和重复触发的,允许非常快速的生活部分,这是我们的第一个图书馆功能灵活的速度映射和keyswitching。您可以很容易地启用或禁用任何衔接,改变其速度范围,或分配自定义的注释,切换或关闭!
•多达16 RR每注(8x / 8X下)


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