乐团Complete V1 –下一步


交响乐团完全版还引入了要求很高的新功能MIDI导出!只需将MIDI从The Orchestra Complete中拖放到您喜欢的DAW中即可。之后,您可以为每个导出的片段更改音符和节奏。因此,在不覆盖琶音器和信封的情况下,轻松地创建变化和情感变化。您也可以将这些MIDI文件与其他乐器一起使用-甚至可以从其他样本库中使用。


一支由41个管弦乐队组成的乐团分为5个部分,为冬季弦乐(例如Trills,Sul Ponticello,Harmonics,Col Legno,BartókPizzicato)执行了许多详细和扩展的技术。这些新发音的共鸣和原始复杂性是在布达佩斯Studio 22的经典房间中捕捉到的。所有部分均以其传统的就座位置进行记录。

Morin Khuur是蒙古的民族乐器,也被称为“马头琴”。传统乐器有两根由马毛制成的琴弦,并用也与马毛串在一起的弓演奏。这给乐器带来了微妙而通风的音色。莫林·库尔(Morin Khuur)乐团是在乌兰巴托的白色拱形录音棚录制的,有15位演奏者的乐团,分为高低合奏。

乐团的每套乐器(包括True Legato)的全套发音多达6个。
完整的资料库以60个独特的音节大幅度扩展了琴弦,这些音节分布在7个不同的部分上,另外还有4个带有String Ensemble FX的乐器。

Orchestra Complete具有强大的引擎,可通过众多独立的琶音器和速度包络工作,其灵感来自Sonuscore的Origins系列。








当他们加载并叠加“管弦乐队”的多个实例时,Multis使Ensemble Engine进一步朝着即时可演奏性和声音的方向发展。有适用于单个关节的完整管弦乐多重乐曲,非常适合快速草绘和分层。管弦乐节奏和动画多重效果结合了Ensemble引擎的多个实例,以提供更复杂的模式。



“管弦乐队”是由SonusCore / Dynamedion,三位一体鼓以及NI Action Strings,Action Strikes和Emotive Strings的制造商提供最佳服务的。




The Orchestra Complete V1 – The Next Big Step
This brand-new complete bundle comes with 108 new presets – Colors / Rhythms / Animated. It includes the latest version of “The Orchestra”, “Strings Of Winter” and Tuned Percussion in the Ensemble Engine.

An 80-piece orchestra, 60 new and pristine string articulations, countless ensemble presets and an incredibly expressive set of signature sounds, some from the large vastness of Mongolia, will make your orchestral colors and musical ideas go sky high. Dive into new sounds – some played on the sharp edge of sound.

The Orchestra Complete also introduces a highly requested, new feature, MIDI Export! Simply drag and drop the MIDI from The Orchestra Complete right into your favourite DAW. You can change notes and rhythms afterwards for every exported clip. Thus making it a breeze to create variations and emotional changes, without overwriting the arpeggiators and envelopes. You can also use those MIDI files with different instruments – even from other sample libraries.

The Orchestra
The Complete Library features the revolutionary all-in-one 80 player orchestra – Strings, Brass, Woodwinds, Percussion, Tuned Percussion & Harp, as well as a lush sounding choir.

European String Orchestra
A 41-piece string orchestra split into 5 sections performed a number of detailed and extended techniques for Strings Of Winter (e.g. Trills, Sul Ponticello, Harmonics, Col Legno, Bartók Pizzicato). The resonance and raw complexity of these new articulations was captured in the classic room of Studio 22 in Budapest. All sections were recorded in their traditional seating position.

Mongolian State Morin Khuur Ensemble
The Morin Khuur is the national instrument in Mongolia, also called „horse head fiddle“. The traditional instrument has two strings made of horse hair and is played with a bow also strung with horse hair. This gives the instrument a delicate and airy timbre. The Morin Khuur Ensemble was recorded at White Arch Studios in Ulan Bator with an orchestra of 15 players split into high and low ensemble.

The articulations
The Orchestra features a complete set of up to 6 articulations per instrument, including True Legato.
The complete library drastically expands the strings with 60 unique articulations spread over 7 different sections and additionally 4 different instruments with String Ensemble FX.

The Core – The Ensemble Engine
The Orchestra Complete features a powerful engine that works through a number of independent arpeggiators and velocity envelopes, heavily inspired by Sonuscore’s Origins-Series.

Create pulsating rhythms and even inspiring full arrangements from any combination of notes. All of this without relying on prerecorded phrases – you have the full control. It will work, no matter what chord or note you play. With minimum loading times, a vast amount of presets provides you with full ensemble colors right out of the box.

– Independent arpeggiators and velocity envelopes create vivid and powerful orchestral colors
– Load up to 5 different instruments in independent slots and play them together
– Every slot can be assigned one of five different modules

Take full control over the ensemble
On the Engine page you can access all individual controls for each of the five instrument modules.
Short notes can be arranged with the arpeggiators, while sustained notes can be shaped with the velocity envelope. Create the orchestral colors as you need them and let the magic happen.

The arpeggiator creates fascinating melodic patterns to give your project a rich and lively orchestral feeling. Change the pattern of the arpeggiator with the rhythm stepper. If needed, you can modify almost every parameter to stay in full control of your orchestral color.

Velocity envelope – shape your sustain sounds
The Velocity Envelope adds a recurring dynamic movement to a sustaining note. The centerpiece is the envelope shape, which can be drawn freely.

Export your custom performance
Once you have been inspired by a preset, drag and drop the arrangement of your performance to your DAW. Unleash the power of the ensemble engine onto your personal template, change notes, reinforce the unique sound with other instruments and make the music your own.

Play the instruments freely
Play your ideas and your melodies freely with the single instrument patches. Aside from the Ensemble Instrument, “The Orchestra” also contains single instrument patches for all standard sections and articulations.

Unleash the full orchestral power with multi-track patches
Multis take the Ensemble Engine even further toward instant playability and sound as they load and layer multiple instances of “The Orchestra”. There are Full Orchestral Multis for single articulations, that work perfectly for quick sketching and layering. Orchestral Rhythm and Animated Multis combine multiple instances of the Ensemble Engine for even more complex patterns.

The samples: rough & edgy – no polished sound:
“The Orchestra” was recorded and processed with the intention to sound a bit rougher and more “honest” than the common orchestral Hollywood sound. It offers an alternative and promises straight and powerful sounds, punch and a vivid musical experience.

The instruments for “The Orchestra” were recorded in Budapest at the renowned Studio 22 in their traditional seating position and mixed and edited with great attention to detail. This way the different sections blend together perfectly in the same room. All essential articulations are available, including playable true legato samples and multiple round robins for short articulations.

The Orchestra: The power of a full orchestra at the tip of your fingers
“The Orchestra” was developed for Best Service by SonusCore / Dynamedion, the makers of Trinity Drums as well as NI Action Strings, Action Strikes and Emotive Strings.

Version 1.0.1

– Fixed Reverb Lock
– Double Bass Core Articulations NKI now plays correct articulation
– Added Version Nummer to Settings Page

Minimum required Kontakt version 6.0.4!


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