

眩晕弦乐是许多不同而有趣的声源的集合。一方面,眩晕弦乐为小提琴,中提琴,大提琴或直立的低音提供清晰的发音范围,从脆弱的ponticello pianissino和常规的arco演奏到谐波和原始连奏录音。另一方面,眩晕(Vertigo)提供了许多非管弦乐队的声音和乐器,这被证明是有趣且有机的。这里有弓弦吉他,录音带,温暖的合成弦乐补丁以及老式的和声等等。所有这些方面共同形成了Vertigo弦乐合奏团的优美,丰富和有机的声音。



需要Kontakt 5.6.8完整版。


We created an inspiring new string instrument which offers an unique approach to suit easily your individual needs.

Essentially Vertigo Strings is a melange of 16 meticulously selected sounds and instruments which can be mixed freely to fullfill your creative vision in an intuitive and easy way. The overall sound is characterised by a deep and rich string ensemble, with a special organic flavor.

Vertigo Strings is the collection of many different and interesting sound sources. On the one hand Vertigo Strings provides a gamut of articulations for violins, violas, celli, or an upright bass, ranging from fragile ponticello pianissino and regular arco playing to harmonics and raw legato recordings. On the other hand Vertigo provides an arsenal of non-orchestral sounds and instruments, which prove to be interesting and organic alike. There are bowed guitars, tape recordings, a warm synth string patch as well as a vintage harmonium and much more. All of these aspects come together to form the beautiful, rich and organic sound that is Vertigo String Ensemble.

The major principle of Vertigo Strings is to use 16 different sound sources which can be mixed, pitched and paned individually. In addition there are some master tools available for you to refine the individual melange of instruments. Finally we have added 15 inspiring Presets, giving you a powerful set of sounds to base your compositions upon.

Vertigo provides 16 different sound sources. All of these sounds are equipped with a separate volume slider, a pitch slider covering a range from -12 to 12 semitones, a pan-pot and a solo button.

The instruments are:

  • 4 different violins (ponticello-pianissimo, arco, draft, harmonics)
  • 1 arco viola
  • 2 celli (ponticello-pianissimo, harmonics)
  • 2 upright basses (draft, arco)
  • bowed guitar, psaltery and a vintage harmonium
  • a synth string patch, resampled Zilhouette Strings, tape machine re-recorded strings and bowing noises

All these sounds result into a wonderful tool to easily achieve inspiring as well as unique string ensemble sounds. It gives you a rich and deep sonic experience.
This is Vertigo Strings.


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