虽然Adventure Brass在传统环境中适合于大胆的线条,但Trailer Brass的生产却考虑了更现代,更大的环境。我们记录了三个不同的组:十角合奏,十长音合奏和部落。三斗/三管大合奏,经过积极处理,以最大程度地增强肉感。


*三个不同的部分:10个角,10个长号,3个Tubas / 3个Cimbassos(部落)。
* Morph Stacking编程使任何音符长度听起来自然。
*以48khz / 24bit记录。
* 3.6 GB未压缩(2.4 GB压缩NCW格式)。
*与Kontakt 5.5.1或更高版本兼容(需要Kontakt的完整零售版)。
*通过Continuata Connect下载器接收带有水印的产品。

While Adventure Brass lends itself to bold lines in traditional settings, Trailer Brass was produced with more modern, over-sized contexts in mind.
We recorded three different groups: a ten-horn ensemble, a ten-trombone ensemble and the Horde; a three-cimbasso/three-tuba ensemble that has been aggressively processed for maximum beefiness.

To get the wide, wall-of-brass sound we were looking for, we sat the players evenly across the stage of a huge concert hall. We also spent a lot of time going for maximum volume, which is no easy task. It got so loud in there that the trombones ended up busting one of the microphones. Congrats were issued.

We’ve also included a varied collection of sound design patches that utilize the brass recordings in some great ways. Impacts, pads, BRAAAMs, synth basses, rhythmic drones and the like.

As always, we made it a point to limit the controls needed to get the job done in a reasonable amount of time. The Adventure and Majestic patches come to mind, where you can produce believable brass lines using just your keys and the modwheel. The library also contains five different GUI’s designed to immediately inform you of what a particular patch can do in terms of control.

Happy composing!


  • Companion library to Trailer Strings.
  • Recorded in a large concert hall.
  • Three different sections: 10 Horns, 10 Trombones, 3 Tubas/3 Cimbassos (The Horde).
  • Morph Stacking programming allows any note length to sound natural.
  • Recorded in centered, wide seating arrangement across the stage.
  • To Silence feature.
  • Adjustable Humanization feature.
  • Includes true FFF sampling.
  • Three microphone positions: Close, Room, Mixed.
  • Processed Horde samples for maximum beefiness.
  • Custom Sound Design patches sourced from brass recordings.
  • Recorded in 48 khz / 24-bit.


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