FANTASTiC | 08 May 2017 | 7.52 GB

Agitato Sordino是市场上最具表现力的Sordino(静音)合奏弦乐样本集。最好将其描述为电影的深刻而感性的声音。 Sordino琴弦具有普通琴弦所没有的深度,空气,丝绸和悲伤感。

Agitato Sordino基于全新的样本内容。我们为小提琴,中提琴,大提琴和贝斯录制了9种新型的Sordino Legato。

Agitato Sordino为Sordino琴弦提供了三种不同的方法。首先,我们对True Sordino Legatos的几层进行了深度采样,然后将它们编程为一组极其灵活和可玩的True Sordino Legatos。其次,我们分别记录了所有部分(11个小提琴,8个中提琴,6个大提琴和4个贝司),因此您可以完全控制每个部分,其次,我们将所有单独的音色重新编程为Full Sordino合奏音色,以便轻松,流畅地书写和素描。完整的Sordino合奏补丁包括Sordino Sustains,Sordino和Sordino Dynamic Bowings。

Agitato Sordino琴弦由TEC奥斯卡奖和G.A.N.G奖获奖作曲家Troels Folmann和艾美奖提名作曲家Colin O’Malley制作。 8Dio Agitato扩展系列是我们现有的Adagietto和Adagio String Collection的第三个分支。 Agitato扩展系列解决了最受追捧的弦乐发音,包括Grandioso Soaring Legato,Hyper-Fast Legato,True Ostinato和Sooring Sordino。 Agitato与我们的Adagio和Adagietto系列录音在同一座大而郁郁葱葱的教堂中,是这些图书馆的合乎逻辑的扩展。

Agitato Sordino Legato包含一个全新的Legato系统,该系统比以往更加灵活。您可以完全控制动力学和表达,包括将两者链接的能力。此外,我们还有一个新的高度自适应的连奏速度系统,该系统确实使连奏能够适应您的构图风格和喜好。

Agitato Sordino包含9种独特记录的连音类型,可以满足您对真正的过渡弦乐演奏的所有需求。连奏的演奏围绕抒情旋律进行,模仿了我们这个时代最受欢迎的作曲家的精神。您可以控制每个单独部分(小提琴,中提琴,大提琴和贝司)的连奏,所有连奏都以完全直观的方式进行设计。您无需使用按键开关或Modwheel,因为我们将其全部内置于速度中。轻弹时,您会触发慢速/滑音连奏。当您正常演奏时,您将触发普通的expressivo连奏;而当您演奏更加努力时,则将触发我们更快的独特连奏。它就是有效的。

Agitato Sordino包含3个麦克风位置(近距离,远距离和混合)。在现场教堂环境中,最好的诺依曼通过定制的前置放大器记录了一切(与Adagio和Adagietto所使用的相同)。靠近麦克风的位置可以使您在沙砾和个性方面拥有接近的清晰度。远处的麦克风为您提供了美丽房间的盛开空间,混合的麦克风位置融合了该项目中使用的所有麦克风。此外,我们还提供输出路由选择。麦克风,因此您可以将每个麦克风分配给单独的输出,以进行更重的混音。

Agitato Sordino就是关于合奏弦乐的。我们对所有内容进行了编程,因此只需按一下键即可。无论您是要使用自动速度检测功能来对深部取样的sordino连奏,还是要完全平滑的sordino延音进行快速合成。我们有最甜蜜的sordino spiccatos和盛开的sordino弓箭。我们以两种类型的补丁程序对所有内容进行了编程,因此您可以使用我们的Ensemble补丁程序进行快速编写(例如,全弦Spiccato,延音,动态弓曲),也可以加载各个部分(例如,Violin Spiccato,大提琴延音,Viola Dynamic)弓箭)。因此,一切都触手可及,提供最简单,最佳的声音体验。


•7.5GB / 12.684样本(无损.ncw压缩)

Agitato Sordino is the most comprehensive sample collection of expressive Sordino (Mute) Ensemble Strings on the market. It is best described as the deep and emotional sound of motion picture. The Sordino Strings have a depth, air, silk and sadness to them that you won’t find with normal strings.

Agitato Sordino is based on brand new sample content. We recorded 9 new types of Sordino Legato for Violins, Violas, Cellos and Basses.

Agitato Sordino offers three different approaches to Sordino Strings. First of all we deep-sampled several layers of True Sordino Legatos, which we programmed into an incredibly flexible and playable set of True Sordino Legatos. Secondly we recorded all the sections individually (11 Violins, 8 Violas, 6 Cellos and 4 Basses), so you have full control over each section and thirdly we reprogrammed all the individual patches into Full Sordino Ensemble Patches for easy, fluent writing and sketching. The Full Sordino Ensemble patches include Sordino Sustains, Sordino and Sordino Dynamic Bowings.

Agitato Sordino Strings are produced by Academy Award, TEC and G.A.N.G Award Winning Composer, Troels Folmann and Emmy Nominated composer, Colin O’Malley. The 8Dio Agitato Expansion series is the third branch to our existing Adagietto and Adagio String Collections. The Agitato Expansion series addresses the most sought-after string articulations, including Grandioso Soaring Legato, Hyper-Fast Legato, True Ostinato and Soaring Sordino. Agitato was recorded in the same large and lush church as our Adagio & Adagietto series and is the logical extension to these libraries.

Agitato Sordino Legato contains a completely new legato system, which is more flexible than ever. You have full control over dynamics and expression, including the ability to link the two. In addition we have a new highly adaptive legato speed system, which really allows the legato to adapt to your compositional style and preference.

Agitato Sordino contains 9 uniquely recorded types of legato to cover all your needs for true transitional string performances. The legato performances were modeled around lyrical melodies, capturing the spirit of the most beloved composers of our time. You can control the legato for each individual section (Violins, Violas, Cellos & Basses) and all the legato are designed in a completely intuitive way. You don’t have to use keyswitches or modwheel, since we built it all into the velocities. When you play softly you will trigger the slow/portamento legato. When you played normal you will trigger the common expressivo legato and when you play harder you will trigger our faster distinct legato. It just works.

Microphones & Room
Agitato Sordino contains 3 microphone positions (Close, Far & Mixed). Everything was recorded with the best Neumann through custom pre-amps in a live church environment (the same we used for Adagio and Adagietto). The close microphone position gives you a near definition with grit and personality. The far microphone gives you the full bloom of the beautiful room and the mixed microphone position is a blend of all the microphones used in the project. In addition we also offer output routing pr. microphone, so you can assign each mic to individual outputs for more heavy mixing.

Control The Sordino
Agitato Sordino is all about Ensemble Strings. We programmed everything so it just works off the keys. Whether you want out deep-sampled sordino legatos with auto-speed detection or you want completely smooth sordino sustains for fast composition. We have the sweetest sordino spiccatos and blooming sordino bowings. We programmed everything in two types of patches, so you can either use our Ensemble patches for fast writing (ex. Full String Spiccato, Sustains, Dynamic Bowings) or you can load the individual sections (ex. Violin Spiccato, Cello Sustains, Viola Dynamic Bowings). So everything is right at your fingertips for the easiest and best sounding experience.


•Deep-Sampled Ensemble Sordino Strings
•Indv. String Sections for Violins, Violas, Cellos & Basses
•Advanced Adaptive Layered Legato
•7.5GB / 12.684 Samples (lossless .ncw compression)
•Recorded with Neumann Microphones in Rich Church
•3 Microphone Positions (Close, Combo, Far
•Full Ensemble Violin (11). Viola (8). Cello (6) and Basses (4)
•Full String Ensemble and Individual String Section patches
•3 Way Multi-Purpose Legato System. Just works. No hassle.
•11 Uniquely Recorded Legato Types


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