Microtron胶带1 | Mellotron黄铜,8种声音合唱和弦乐
一个声音库,具有Mellotron M400的黄铜,8声合唱和弦乐部分的声音。

磁带1-为Ableton Live,Kontakt和Logic
Microtron定制。磁带1包含专业录制的黄铜,8声合唱和弦乐部分库。Mellotron M400的所有原始缺陷,老式模拟质量和性能差异均通过Neumann U47麦克风和Reeves Custom 50放大器完美地捕捉到。

Ableton Live Pack包含3个单独的多采样乐器和一个完整的“ tape”乐器,具有与原始M400相似的声音混合功能。MicrotronTape 1 for Live还配备了50个专业表演的Live Clip,并具有Macro和Effects集成。

Kontakt乐器包括所有3种带有效果和自定义KSP用户界面的多采样乐器。Logic和Kontakt版本均包含50个SIAL格式的专业执行的Apple Loops。

-Ableton Live 9和更高版本,Kontakt 5和更高版本
-151 MB可用磁盘空间

Puremagnetik Microtron Tape 1 v1.1 (Ableton KONTAKT)-DECiBEL| Samples, multi-libraries, Kontakt, instruments, presets, patches, impulses| Ableton: 176.6MB | KONTAKT: 234.1MB
Microtron Tape 1 | Mellotron Brass, 8 Voice Choir and Strings
A sound library featuring the Brass, 8-Voice Choir and String Section sounds of the Mellotron M400.

Tape 1 – Customized for Ableton Live, Kontakt and Logic
Microtron Tape 1 contains an expertly recorded Brass, 8 Voice Choir and String Section library. All of the original imperfections, vintage analog quality and performance nuances of the Mellotron M400 have been immaculately captured through a Neumann U47 Microphone and Reeves Custom 50 Amplifier.

The Ableton Live Pack contains 3 individual multisampled instruments and a full “tape” instrument that has similar sound blending functionality as found on the original M400. MicrotronTape 1 for Live also comes packed with 50 professionally performed Live Clips complete with Macro and effects integration.

The Kontakt Instrument includes all 3 multisampled instruments complete with effects and a custom KSP user interface. Logic and Kontakt versions both include a collection of 50 professionally performed Apple Loops in SIAL format.

– Ableton Live 9 and up, Kontakt 5 and up
– 151 MB free disk space


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