
RAW Strings受现代电影作曲家的启发,结合了紧密录制的小提琴,中提琴和大提琴,并具有令人难以忘怀的效果和扩展的采样技术。使用数十种手工制作的预设来创建华丽的弦线纹理,或者更深入地研究灵活的界面以创建自己独特的音景。


RAW Strings现在可以在有限的时间内使用,免费的Kontakt 6 Player的入门价格为$ 69。

RAW Strings使用功能齐全的4层采样引擎,每层都具有8组效果和24个卷积的灵活组合。提供了琶音器,音序器,主效果器套件和复杂的Mod矩阵,可进行无限制的调整。



-16 GB的样本(压缩至10.4 GB)

-与免费的Kontakt Player或Kontakt版本6.2.2或更高版本兼容
-macOS 10.12(Sierra)或较新 Windows 7或更高版本
-建议使用Intel Core i7处理器
-需要10.4 GB的存储空间
-可变的RAM占用空间:清除时小于200 MB,加载所有连接时小于2.2 GB

Strings, Reimagined
RAW Strings is a contemporary strings library focusing on organic, lively sound and innovative expression.

Inspired by modern cinematic composers, RAW Strings combines closely recorded violin, viola, and cello with haunting effects and extended sampling techniques. Create gorgeous string textures with dozens of hand-crafted presets, or dig deeper into the flexible interface to create your own unique soundscapes.

Included are 116 sound sources that span from naked string articulations, to processed cassette tape articulations, to found recordings from around the world.

RAW Strings is now available for a limited time at the introductory price of $69, for the free Kontakt 6 Player.

RAW Strings utilizes a full-featured 4 layer sampling engine, with each layer given a flexible suite of 8 effects and 24 convolutions. An arpeggiator, sequencer, master effects suite, and sophisticated mod matrix are provided for limitless tweaking.

Start simple. With 68 hand-crafted presets and 116 sound sources, you can achieve nearly instantaneous results.

Dig deeper into the rich feature set of RAW Strings to craft your own unique sound worlds.

– 116 sound sources
– 3 unique tape versions
– 68 hand-crafted presets
– 16 GB of samples (compressed to 10.4 GB)

– Compatible with free Kontakt Player or Kontakt, version 6.2.2 or newer
– macOS 10.12 (Sierra) or newer; Windows 7 or newer
– Intel Core i7 processor recommended
– 10.4 GB storage space required
– Variable RAM footprint: less than 200 MB with purge, or 2.2 GB with all articulations loaded-0


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