Embertone Leonid Bass KONTAKT | 2.6 Gb

LEONID BASS是由出色的贝斯手Leonid Finkelshteyn演奏的惊人立式贝斯(1700年代在意大利制造)的深度采样冒险。作为INTIMATE STRINGS系列的第4个发行版本,Leonid Bass借鉴了Friedlander小提琴,Blakus大提琴和Fischer中提琴的作品。我们以公司历史上无与伦比的深度和精度对Lenny进行了采样,比以前的版本捕获了更多的细节和清晰的内容。

这种低音最激动人心的事情之一就是低频声音的丰富和清晰!它不会在最深的范围内变得忙碌而朦胧,但请不要忘记平流层!列昂尼德·巴斯(Leonid Bass)具有令人印象深刻的高音域,其中包括一些您不想错过的谐波。玩这个低端怪物吧!不要跳过您的底线!令人印象深刻的低音范围将增强您音乐的表现力,而这种不太常见的虚拟乐器则有机会使您的声音更加独特!

真正的连奏编程+真正的Portamento’s + con Sordino + sul Ponticello + pizzicatos
自定义的,天才的Kontakt脚本,由Andreas Lemke编写
已安装4.2 GB(16 + 24位示例)
使用CONTINUATA从Amazon S3快速下载
采样分辨率:44.1 Khz / 16或24位立体声

LEONID BASS is a deeply-sampled adventure of an amazing upright bass (made in Italy in the 1700’s), played by the accomplished bassist Leonid Finkelshteyn. As the 4th release in the INTIMATE STRINGS series, Leonid Bass builds from the work from Friedlander Violin, Blakus Cello and Fischer Viola. We sampled Lenny with a depth and precision unparalleled in our company’s history, capturing more detail and articulation content than in past releases.

One of the most exciting things about this bass is how rich and clear the low range sounds! It manages not to get boomy and hazy down in the deepest range, but let’s not forget the stratosphere! Leonid Bass has an impressive high register, including a set of harmonics that you don’t want to miss. Have fun with this low-end monster! Don’t skip your bottom line! A super impressive low range will heighten the expressivity of your music, and this not-so-often virtual instrument you have an opportunity to make your sound more unique!

True legato programming + true Portamento’s + con Sordino + sul Ponticello + pizzicatos
Custom, genius Kontakt scripting by Andreas Lemke
nearly 6000 recorded samples
4.2 GB Installed (16+24-bit samples)
Fast download from Amazon S3 using CONTINUATA
Sample resolution: 44.1 Khz / 16 or 24 bit stereo


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