对于大多数管弦乐图书馆而言,最常见的陷阱之一就是能够编写快速连奏和流畅的ostinato。现实情况是,快速连奏需要一种完全独特的弦乐技术,而真正做到这一点的唯一方法–是使用旨在捕获弦乐快速移动的特定技术对其进行录制。 Agitato Legato琶音专为非常快速的弦乐段落而设计,包括琶音,ostinato人物和超快的连奏旋律。 Agitato Legato Arpeggio充满活力的能量和弹奏,填补了我们弦乐曲目中的重要空白。从设计上讲,过渡音具有混乱和不完美之处,可以捕捉在弦乐部分快速演奏时产生的自然光泽和复杂的泛音。

Agitato Legato Arpeggio基于全新的样本内容。我们为小提琴(2),中提琴(1)和大提琴(2)录制了5种新型的超快速连奏。除了我们的Legato琶音外,我们还在该库中包括了用于小提琴的Ostinato生成器,该库收集了5500多个Ostinato样本-为完全真实的Ostinatos智能设计。 Ostinato模式的主题分为10个主要类别,所有速度都同步到您的DAW。最终的结果是选择了大量的Ostinatos,它们充满了能量和自然流动。

Agitato Legato琶音弦由TEC奥斯卡奖和G.A.N.G获奖作曲家Troels Folmann和艾美奖提名作曲家Colin O’Malley制作。 8Dio Agitato扩展系列是我们现有的Adagietto和Adagio String Collection的第三个分支。 Agitato扩展系列解决了最受追捧的弦乐发音,包括Grandioso Soaring Legato,Hyper-Fast Legato,True Ostinato和Sooring Sordino。 Agitato与我们的Adagio&Adagietto系列唱片录制在同一座大而郁郁葱葱的教堂中,是对这些图书馆的合乎逻辑的扩展。

•奖励:小提琴的Ostinato Builder
•11.2GB / 19.558样本(无损.ncw压缩)
•在Rich Church用Neumann麦克风录制

One of the most common pitfalls for most orchestral libraries is the ability to write fast legato and fluent ostinato. The reality is that fast legato requires a completely unique string technique and the only way to truly do it – is to record it with specific techniques designed to capture the fast movement of strings. Agitato Legato Arpeggio is designed for very fast string passages, including arpeggios, ostinato figures and hyper fast legato melodies. Performed with a vibrant energy and bounce, Agitato Legato Arpeggio fills an important gap in our string repertoire. By design, the transitions have chaos and imperfection, capturing the natural glissing and complex overtones that occur when a string section plays rapidly.

Agitato Legato Arpeggio is based on brand new sample content. We recorded 5 new types of Hyper-Fast Legato for Violins (2), Violas (1) and Cellos (2). In addition to our Legato Arpeggio we also included our Ostinato Builder for Violins to this library, which is a collection of over 5,500 Ostinato Samples – intelligently designed for completely realistic Ostinatos. The Ostinato patterns are themed into 10 main categories and all tempo-synced to your DAW. The end-result is an incredibly deep selection of Ostinatos that sparkles with energy and natural flow.

Agitato Legato Arpeggio Strings are produced by Academy Award, TEC and G.A.N.G Award Winning Composer, Troels Folmann and Emmy Nominated composer, Colin O’Malley. The 8Dio Agitato Expansion series is the third branch to our existing Adagietto and Adagio String Collections. The Agitato Expansion series addresses the most sought-after string articulations, including Grandioso Soaring Legato, Hyper-Fast Legato, True Ostinato and Soaring Sordino. Agitato was recorded in the same large and lush church as our Adagio & Adagietto series and is the logical extension to these libraries.

• Deep-Sampled Ensemble Arpegio Strings
• Hyper-Fast Legato for Violins, Violas & Cellos
• Bonus: Ostinato Builder for Violins
• 3 Microphone Positions (Close, Combo, Far
• 11.2GB / 19.558 Samples (lossless .ncw compression)
• Recorded with Neumann Microphones in Rich Church
• Full Ensemble Violins (11). Violas (8) & Cellos (6)
• Full String Ensemble and Individual String Section patches
• 3 Way Multi-Purpose Legato System. Just works. No hassle.
• 11 Uniquely Recorded Legato Types


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