Hybrid 配乐系列:STRINGS。是我们Kontakt新系列仪器的第一部分。首先,这个图书馆不仅结合了管弦乐的纹理,而且结合了更多的现代乐器,如吉他,贝司,曼陀林和各种定制设计的效果。

这个灵感十足的图书馆非常适合创作丰富,细腻的音质,以及平均和坚韧的电影风格,这将带来你的音乐生活。 Hybrid Scoring Collection:Strings有一个自定义设计的界面,包含很多参数来塑造你的声音。我们想模糊自然乐器和模拟效果之间的界限,创造一种鼓舞人心,直观的工作方式。



Hybrid Scoring Collection: STRINGS. is the first instalment in our new range of instruments for Kontakt. The first of it’s kind, this library combines not only orchestral textures but more modern instruments such as guitars, bass, mandolin and a wide range of custom designed effects.

​This inspirational library is perfect for creating lush and delicate textures, as well as mean and gritty cinematic flavours which will bring your music to life. Hybrid Scoring Collection: Strings has a custom designed interface with many parameters for shaping your sound. We wanted to blur the lines between natural instruments and analogue effects to create an inspiring and intuitive way of working.

The interface is made up of two sections, the main engine and the effects engine. In the centre of the main tab you will find the DESTROY knob which you can activate by clicking the title and either using your mod wheel or mouse to control it. This adds a deep, gritty distortion to the instrument which is perfect for increasing the intensity of your sound. The main tab also includes parameters for volume, pan, pitch, attack, sustain, release, high pass/low pass filters each with a cut off and resonance knob. The effects tab on the interface contains a three band EQ along with reverb, compression, delay and tape saturation. These effects give you a wide range of possibilities to morph and adjust the sound of the instrument. If you ever want to return to the default settings, simply cntrl (windows) or cmd (mac) click on the knob/slider.


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