
这些库将单独运行,并且不需要运行Angel Strings Vol.1。





不同的发音名称仅指主要和次要音调,以及所使用的注释/技术。 “ Bar”代表bariolage,这是一种弦乐技术,演奏者可以在琴弦之间快速上下扫弓以创建快速的琶音。爱奥尼亚人可以简单地被认为是“主要”,而风神可以被认为是“次要”,因此根据您的音乐/和弦是主要还是次要,您会知道要使用哪种发音。十分之五,就是如此,可以用任何调!


-10 GB的样本内容
-Kontakt VST / AU / AAX(仅完整版-播放器/免费版每次需要运行10分钟,然后才能重新加载插件)
-包括各种预先编排的字符串“ flurries”,可以以任何键/音调播放

主页: https://www.auddict.com/angel-strings-flurries

With this Vol.2 of Angel Strings exploring even more specialised string articulations and various orchestral textures, we have decided that it will be released as a series of slightly smaller, expansion-pack style libraries. The advantage of this is that you can now choose exactly which articulations and techniques you’d like to purchase and add to your composing palette.

These libraries will run separately, and do not require Angel Strings Vol.1 to run.

The “flurries” refer to specially orchestrated sequences of notes played in quick succession by each player, creating a beautiful and lush string sound, which – due to the subtle spontaneity of the individual players – can really create the feeling of a real orchestra playing. We recommend watching the videos and listening to the demos as this is best demonstrated with music rather than words!

The flurries were orchestrated, recorded and programmed/mapped very carefully so that they can be performed, layered in different combinations and blend with other instruments smoothly. The techniques heard in this library are regularly written into orchestral music, whether it be modern film scores or romantic symphonies; however they are not sounds you can simulate even remotely with per-note sample libraries; they require specific orchestration and recording dedicated specially to these techniques, and we have done just that.

This instrument is organised into five main articulations, each one having an almost keyboard-wide palette of sounds to choose from. The five articulations are named:

– Ionian Flurries 3/5’s
– Aeolian Flurries 3/5’s
– Ionian Flurries + Bar
– Aeolian Flurries + Bar
– Fifths and Unis

The different articulation names refer simply to major and minor tonalities, as well as the notes used/techniques included. “Bar” stands for bariolage, which is a string technique where players quickly sweep the bow up and down the different strings to create quick arpeggios. Ionian can simply be thought of as “major” and Aeolian as “minor”, so depending on whether your music/chord is major or minor, you’d know which articulations to use. Fifths and unis are just that, and can be used in any tonality!.

There is a lot to be explored in this library. Different articulations and flurries can even be used to add interesting harmonic content to your music, beyond the standard root-position chords, but we will leave this up to you; the composer!

– 10 GB of sample content
– Completely Unique, Never Before Sampled Articulations
– Entire String Orchestra Range Playable via Keyboard-Wide Sample Maps
– Perform and Use Individual Sections if Required
– Kontakt VST / AU / AAX (full version only – Player/Free version will run for 10 minutes at a time before plugin needs to be re-loaded)
– 10 Microphone Positions – Flexibility of a Real-Life Film Scoring Session
– Multiple Crossfade-able Dynamic Layers
– Includes various pre-orchestrated string “flurries”, playable in any key/tonality


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