Metamorpha是我们即将发布的新系列较小的库中的第一个。这背后的想法是让您触手可及的美丽小乐器,并且不会使引擎过于复杂。首先,它只是即插即用。两种乐器都将基于一个更大的音乐库的原始记录,并将其推向另一个方向,这是非常困难的。但是还采样了一些乐器,这些乐器在整个系列中都专门录制过,例如Glockenspiel,各种Bells等。Metamorpha:Allmosphere基于我们最近的库Broken Bells,该库是与Erick McNerney合作制作的,Erick McNerney以其作品而闻名具有精美的虚空音频,半光采样和音频奖励。

保罗带走了埃里克(Erick)制作的贝尔和鲍德(Bell and Bowed)原始录音,并创建了许多完全不同的声音。从在高耸的延音上美妙地产生共鸣的玻璃垫到合成的弦乐和铜管乐团等等。但是,不要让少量的UI控件欺骗您,这个库听起来可能很大!我们提供了一些功能,可帮助您创建丰富,饱满的声音,例如纹理发生器或扩散功能。但是足够多说话!潜入Metamorpha:Allmosphere的美丽怀旧和令人不安的本质



形状控件比声音控件要深一些。首先,您可以控制“样本偏移”,“八度偏移”,“高通和低通滤波”,这些当然可以全部自动化。现在到了有趣的部分:“扩展”功能使您每次按键时都能产生无尽的声音变化;设置得越高,变化越大。 Texturizer基本上增加了两种声音:左硬摇一声,右硬摇一声。如果需要,它可以与扩展功能一起使用,以丰富您的声音,并且可以使用“纹理”控件来控制强度(基本上是两个外部声音的音量)。


115个以上Kontakt补丁(.nki),35个Kontakt Multis(.nkm)
890个样本(48khz / 24bit)
825 MB(从1.55 GB的原始数据压缩的ncw)
要求Kontakt 5.8.0或更高版本–仅Kontakt的完整版本–不适用于Kontakt Player

Metamorpha is the first in a new smaller series of libraries we’ll be releasing. The idea behind this is to have beautiful little instruments at your fingertips that inspire you and that do not have an overcomplicated engine. First of all it’s just plug&play. The Instruments will both be based on the original recordings of a bigger library, with pushing it into a different direction mood wise tough. But also sampled instruments, that have been recorded for this series exclusively like a Glockenspiel, various Bells etc. Metamorpha:Allmosphere is based on our recent library Broken Bells, which has been produced in collaboration with Erick McNerney, who is best known for his work with Beautiful Void Audio, Halflightsampling and Audio Reward.

Paul took the original Bell and Bowed recordings Erick made and created a vast array of totally different sounds. From beautifully resonating Glass Pads over Soaring Sustains to even Synthesized String and Brass Ensembles and much more. But don’t let the small amount of UI controls fool you, this library can sound big! We included a few features, which help you to create a rich, full sound like the texturizer or the spread function. But enough talking! Dive into the beautiful nostalgic and disturbing nature of Metamorpha:Allmosphere

Metamorpha:Allmosphere does not have a dual, tri or quad layer architecture, but we thought it would just not be necessary since there are no additional effects going on inside Kontakt so you can easily add multiple instances to create your own multis and then using your own gear inside your DAW. For usage there is not much to say. There is a sound selection menu, which can be triggered by clicking on it or using the forward/backward arrows, of course all dynamically purged to save your systems resources. Additionally you’ll get Volume Envelope controls to shape the Envelope Curve of the sound. That’s it for the sound part.


The Shape controls are partly a bit deeper than the sound controls. First of all you’ve got control over Sample Offset, Octave Shift and HighPass and LowPass Filtering, which of course can all be automated. But now to the fun part: The Spread function allows you to create an endless sound variation every time you press a key; The higher you set it the higher the variation will be. Texturizer basically adds two more voices: One hard panned left, one hard panned right. Together with the Spread function does it have the ability to enrich your sounds if you want and you can control the intensity(basically the volume of the two outer voices) by using the “texture” control.


115+ Kontakt patches (.nki), 35 Kontakt Multis (.nkm)
890 samples (48khz/24bit)
825 MB (ncw compressed from 1,55 GB of raw data)
Requires Kontakt 5.8.0 or higher – Full version of Kontakt only – Not for Kontakt Player


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