继续提供Cinematic Tension FX1,新推出的Cinematic Tension FX2 –第3卷:Piccolos。 在接下来的几个月中,我们将提供更多这些分组的木管乐器,每套包含8-10个木管乐器,进行2遍乐曲,溢出,推动,击打,手势,ostinatos和纹理演出,为您的音乐提供一组独特的新声音 可以帮助过渡,紧张,悬念和恐怖!

第一卷带有8个低音长笛,独特而优美的声音。 第2卷以黑暗而阴森的低音单簧管为特色。 在第3卷中,我们将介绍精彩而激烈的短笛! 未来的卷将包括萨克斯管,低音提琴单簧管和民族风。

这个新的资料库具有速度同步功能,其中的短语和样本将锁定在DAW的速度中,从而使您的构图完美过渡到新的场景时间。 另外,我们还有一组非常酷的反向采样,可以通过使用调制轮来获得更疯狂的声音纹理。 再加上一个效果部分,其中包括混响,延迟,合唱,法兰,旋转声像,EQ,您还可以制作出令人惊叹的声音效果野兽!

精心录制在A Designs Pacifica前置放大器的原始音频设置,罕见的Lucas CS-1麦克风和Lynx Aurora转换器上。

需要Kontakt 4或5的完整版本。 K5中的速度同步可提供出色的效果。

Continuing where Cinematic Tension FX1 left off is the new offering Cinematic Tension FX2 – Vol 3: Piccolos. We will be offering more of these grouped woodwinds over the next months, with each set featuring 8-10 woodwinds performing over 2 gigs of runs, spills, pushes, hits, gestures, ostinatos & textures to give your music a new set of unique sounds that can help with transitions, tension, suspense & horror!

The first volume featured 8 bass flutes, a unique sound that is both beautiful and intense. Volume 2 featured the dark and eerie Bass Clarinet. In this Volume 3 we feature the brilliant and fierce Piccolo! Future volumes will include saxophones, contrabass clarinets, & ethnic winds.

This new library features a tempo sync function where the phrases and samples will lock into your DAW’s tempo making that transition into a new scene time perfectly with your composition. Also we have a very cool set of reverse samples that can be engaged by utilizing the mod wheel for even more crazed sonic textures. Add to this an effects section that includes reverbs, delay, chorus, flange, rotary panning, EQ & you have the makings of one amazing sonic effects beast!

Recorded with loving care on a pristine audio set-up of an A Designs Pacifica preamp, a rare Lucas CS-1 microphone and Lynx Aurora convertors.

Full version of Kontakt 4 or 5 required. Tempo sync in K5 gives superior results.


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