Cinematic Tension FX 2:低音单簧管是我们提供的第二种独特的新木管乐器库,该库提供了原始的合成和精心编排的跑步,溢出,渐强的推动力,打击,纹理和氛围,短语手势和8低音贝司单音效果。

该库中包含所有组成样本的pdf分数,以防您想通过现场木管乐器部分增强这些声音。 我们试图使该界面尽可能易于使用。 左侧是“输出屏幕”,显示当前播放的符号。 变形功能是CTFX2最酷的功能之一。 通过使用调制轮,可以在声音的正向和反向版本之间进行混合。 通过以相反的示例开头短语并以向前的版本缓慢拨号,可以轻松实现移动的纹理和声音效果。 将此技术与以下所述的效果相结合,结果既独特又无限变化。

Cinematic Tension FX 2: Bass Clarinets is our second offering of a unique new woodwind library that offers original composed and orchestrated runs up, spills down, crescendo pushes, hits, textures and ambiences, phrase gestures and ostinatos of 8 bass clarinets.

Included with the library is a pdf score of all the composed samples in case you would like to augment these sounds with a live woodwind section. We have attempted to make the interface as user-friendly as possible. To the left hand side is the ‘Output Screen’ which displays the currently played notation. One of the coolest features of CTFX2 is the morphing function. By using the modwheel it is possible to blend between forward and reversed versions of the sounds. By starting a phrases with a reversed sample and slowly dialling in the forward version it is possible to achieve moving textures and sound effects with ease. Combine this technique with the effects described below and the results are both unique and infinitely varied.


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