
这些纹理和可播放的补丁由巴黎大提琴手让·菲利普·菲斯(Jean-Philippe Feiss)精湛交付,将为您带来一些现代最佳电影配乐的独特品味。像Nordisk Kontrabass一样,它受到了传奇的欧洲作曲家和表演者的启发,但是Have Instruments将其带到了下一步。

从原始的录音材料开始,Have Instruments通过一些最佳的模块化合成器和模拟效果踏板对所有声音进行了大量处理,以大提琴为灵感创建了电子和反乌托邦混音。

– 浓咖啡

-346,4 MB未压缩


-1个Big Cup旋钮:声音设计Main FX

-需要完整版KONTAKT 5.6.8+
-大约2 GB可用硬盘空间
-建议使用8 GB以上的RAM

Have Instruments has announced the release of Cello Textures: Ristretto, a free sample library for Native Instruments Kontakt aimed at all producers looking for dark & cinematic textures.

Superbly delivered by Parisian cellist Jean-Philippe Feiss, these textures and playable patches will give you a unique taste of some of the best modern film scores. Legendary European composers and performers inspired it, but Have Instruments took it to the next step.

Starting from the original recorded material, they heavily processed all sounds through some of the best modular synthesizers and analog effects pedals to create the Electronic and Dystopian blends inspired by the cello.

Cello Textures: Ristretto consists of one .nki file and features 100 samples (.ncw format, 346,4 MB uncompressed size). As for effects, the interface has one main fx knob in the form of a big coffee cup.

This sample library requires the full version of Kontakt 5.6.8+ (the Player edition isn’t supported).


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