谁不喜欢经典的放克凹槽呢?与时髦的中音萨克斯风独奏相比,效果会更好。 好吧,如果您有凹槽,Saxophone Solos会提供您需要的所有经典次中音萨克斯风。 萨克斯独奏在一组极好的演奏独奏中传递中音萨克斯的温暖,富有表现力的声音,所有这些都分解成基于舔lick的便捷格式,并可以为您的音轨完美组合。 它非常适合放克和灵魂,但在其他类型的音乐(如房屋和流行音乐)中也同样适用。

超过 350 个单独的循环和短语,每个循环和短语的长度在 1 到 8 条之间,770MB 的样本被组织成 21 个基于节奏/键的文件夹,以便于工作流程。原始节奏跨越 90 到 124 BMP,但是,有了 Elastik 强大的音高和节奏操纵工具,很容易制作只需要适合您的项目的短语或独奏。此外,所有文件夹中录制的声音的高质量和一致性使得如果需要,可以方便地混合和匹配文件夹之间的短语。

性格, 亲密, 男高音萨克斯的声音
图书馆是理想的建立一个完整的,扩展的,独奏,或只是提供一个单独的”钩”旋律线。在任一角色中,萨克斯管独奏将把所有重要的表现元素带到您的项目中,提供最大的乐趣和一大堆的灵魂。这个图书馆使我们的Funk Up Elastik标题的理想合作伙伴,所以,如果你受到艺术家如Funkadelic,Bootsy柯林斯和乔治克林顿的启发,萨克斯管独奏将提供所有时髦的男高音萨克斯,你需要顶你的生产。

尼科·芬克是一名来自德国汉诺威的专业萨克斯管演奏家。他在路上与芬克和灵魂艺术家像玛娃惠特尼,玛莎高,安塞克斯顿;流行行为像维尔辛德 · 汉登, 马克斯 · 穆茨克, 詹姆斯 · 卡康德和爵士艺术家, 如吉格斯 · 惠格姆, 巴里 · 盖伊, 亚历克斯 · 西皮亚金。

Ueberschall Saxophone Solos ELASTIK-multi-libraries, loops 630 MB

Funky Tenor Saxophone Licks
Who doesn’t love a classic funk groove And it is even better when layered with a funky tenor saxophone solo. Well, if you’ve got the grooves, Saxophone Solos has all the classy tenor sax licks that you are going to need. Saxophone Solos delivers the warm, expressive, sound of the tenor saxophone in a collection of superbly played solos, all broken down into a convenient lick-based format and ready to be assembled in a perfect combination for your track. It’s perfect for funk and soul, but would also work just as well in other genres such as house and pop.

Expressive Solo Lines
With over 350 individual loops and phrases, each between 1 and 8 bars in length, the 770MB of samples are organized into 21 tempo/key based folders for an easy workflow. Original tempos span 90 to 124 BMP but, with Elastik’s powerful pitch and tempo manipulation tools, it is easy to craft just the phrase or solo needed to fit your project. In addition, the high-quality and consistency of the recorded sound across all the folders make it easy to mix and match phrases between folders if required.

Characterful, Intimate, Sound Of The Tenor Sax
The library is ideal to build a complete, extended, solo, or simply to provide an individual ‘hook’ melody line. In either role, Saxophone Solos will bring that all-important expressive element to your project, delivering maximum funk and a whole lot of soul. This library makes an ideal partner for our Funk Up Elastik title so, if you are inspired by artists such as Funkadelic, Bootsy Collins and George Clinton, Saxophone Solos will deliver all the funky tenor sax you need to top off your production.

Nico Finke is a professional Saxophone Player from Hannover Germany. He was on the road with Funk and Soul Artists like Marva Whitney, Martha High, Ann Sexton; Pop Acts like Wir sind Helden, Max Mutzke, James Kakande and Jazz Artists like Jiggs Whigham, Barry Guy, Alex Sipiagin.


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