





在Sonokinetic BV,我们很荣幸向您介绍Noir,我们迫不及待地想听听您,我们尊敬的客户群将为您带来的惊喜。


We’ve always loved the sound of jazz-influenced film scores. The orchestral approach to jazz harmony has a romantic flair that is irresistible and has easily stood the test of time. We just can’t get enough of sweeping string passages, the sound of a trumpet’s harmon mute, a big band sax section, flugelhorn and trombones with french horns. For many years we’ve felt the urge to create a product encompassing this style of music and now we have:

Noir is our first foray into what hopefully will turn out to be a new line in the Sonokinetic range. As always we have added some twists to our existing engine, but in this case it was more of a rewrite. For those familiar with our other orchestral libraries, Noir is different! Because of the nature of the musical content we decided to deviate from our usual four high-mid-low presets and go more in the vein of the atonal Espressivo, with 12 preset keys that each hold a single performance. This makes it even easier to combine different presets and experiment with intertwining melodies and harmonies, which achieves a more horizontal composing process. A lot of thought when into how to translate this concept into a useable interface and we hope you like what we’ve come up with and encourage this new direction.

In Noir we put all three recorded orchestral sections in a single Section instrument, which makes combining different instrument groups super easy, and of course we have our trusted randomize button that will serve up twelve fresh phrases with every press.

There are two instruments in Noir, the solos come separately. Solos are a collection of improvisations on Tenor Saxophone, Trumpet (with harmon mute), Flugelhorn, Clarinet and Piano that are recorded in the same hall as the main instrument. The performances blend perfectly with the phrase material in the Sections instrument, or can stand perfectly well on their own with a gorgeous sound and intuitive no-fuss interfacing.

Producing Noir was a massive effort, and we consider it a new milestone. We hope you feel the same way!

We, at Sonokinetic BV, are very proud to introduce Noir to you and can’t wait to hear the amazing things you, our valued customer base, will produce with it.

Sonokinetic has established a name as one of the best value & quality sample producers and with this product we’d like to underline that statement. We stick with our unbeatable pricing module and high quality sampling.


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