我们的许多基于短语的库在构想时都考虑到了特定的用法:Maximo用于激烈的动作,Sotto用于微妙的得分,而Grosso用于戏剧性的追逐。在这些库中捕获的性能已被我们的作曲家基地以各种令人惊讶的方式使用。因此,我们迫不及待想听听您使用我们迄今最强大的资料库“ Espressivo”创建的内容。

恐怖,恐怖和悬疑的声音与电影本身一样古老,从赫尔曼(Herrmann)的“ Psycho”和“ Vertigo”到戈德史密斯的“外星人”和“预兆”。这些不协调的弦乐,刺入的黄铜部分,敲击乐和无拘无束的木管乐器是流派的代名词,使我们的头发直立,迫使我们将视线从屏幕上移开。许多其他作曲家,例如卡尔海因茨·斯托克豪森(Karlheinz Stockhausen)和查尔斯·艾夫斯(Charles Ives),也都是我们的灵感来源,创造了既能提供灵感又能令人生畏的声音调色板。


我们在Sonokinetic BV非常荣幸地介绍Espressivo,迫不及待想听听您如何将其用于自己的作品中。我们很想听听我们尊贵的客户群可以使用我们的产品做什么,所以让我们一起创造特殊的事物。


需求:KONTAKT 5.1.0+

主页: https://www.sonokinetic.net/products/instruments/espressivo/

Many of our phrase-based libraries are conceived with a specific usage in mind… Maximo for intense action, Sotto for subtle scoring and Grosso for dramatic chases. The performances captured in these libraries have been put to use by our composer base in varied and surprising ways. For this reason we can’t wait to hear what you create using our most intense library yet… “Espressivo”.

The sounds of horror, terror and suspense are as old as cinema itself, from Herrmann’s “Psycho” & “Vertigo” to Goldsmith’s “Alien” & “The Omen”. These dissonant strings, stabbing brass sections, skittering percussion and aleatoric woodwinds are as synonymous to the genres, making our hair stand on end and forcing us to avert our eyes from the screen. Many other composers such as Karlheinz Stockhausen and Charles Ives have been our inspiration too, creating a palette of sounds which provide both inspiration and intimidation.

In the recording sessions we pushed our orchestra to their physical and mental limit and they rewarded us with some extraordinary playing techniques that would be just impossible for a composer to pull off using multi-sampled libraries. Our strings, brass, woodwind and percussion players wrung everything out of their instruments. After they were done we wrapped the performances in a brand new Kontakt engine to ensure maximum flexibility and playability from the hundreds of phrases on offer. For the first time ever with a Sonokinetic library you can trigger up to 48 phrases simultaneously (from the hundreds available), all tempo synced and with multiple microphone options. Pads, rhythmic loops, crescendi, melodies and stabs all meld together in one gloriously terrifying instrument sure to add realism, authenticity and a dose of drama to your cues.

We, at Sonokinetic BV, are very proud to introduce Espressivo and can’t wait to hear how you put it to use in your own compositions. We love to hear what our valued customer base can do with our products, so let’s work together to create something special.

Sonokinetic has established a name as one of the best value & quality sample producers and with this product we’d like to underline that statement. We stick with our unbeatable pricing module and high quality sampling.



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