Audio Imperia Areia v1.1.0 KONTAKT FANTASTiC |Samples » Kontakt| 63.43 GB

Areia是一款适用于Kontakt Player的电影合奏弦乐软件乐器,将最受欢迎的功能组合到一个产品中:详尽的真实感,富有表现力的情感和范围以及郁郁葱葱的好莱坞声音-从精致,柔和到激进,史诗。




Real Con Sordino。
Con Sordino真实样品的细微之处和精妙之处无与伦比。 Con Sordino记录了所有乐器部分的Sustained,包括颤音和非颤音三种动力学。此外,其余的发音都提供了仿真的Con Sordino。



首次在字符串样本库中,您可以以任意速度播放Measured Tremolo,而无需花费时间。排序或可播放的多样本。我们不止于此:您还可以在顺序模式下添加重音,并保存/加载重音预设。

我们以真正的Audio Imperia风格为您提供一些真正独特的声音设计元素,以增强您使用音乐库的体验。超过寿命的打击垫与琴弦混合使用时,会将您的乐谱提高到一个新的水平。


•True Legato适用于所有乐器。
•已安装约68 GB(NCW格式)。
•免费获得Kontakt Player 6.2.2版或更高版本。

Areia is a cinematic ensemble strings software instrument made for Kontakt Player, that combines the most sought after features into one single product: detailed realism with expressive emotion and range, and a lush Hollywood sound – all the way from delicate and soft to aggressive and epic.

Recorded with Capellen Music Production.
A magnificent set of string players, an incredibly balanced room , state of the art equipment, and an exceptional team of sound engineers. Mix all of that together and you get the authentic sound of Hollywood. Right at your fingertips.

Technical perfection.
High standards of quality – that is the base of our foundation. All of our sample libraries are meticulously handcrafted, and every single sample is treated like a gem: carefully polished to bring out all their brilliance. This ensures you a buttery-smooth experience when making music. Carefully synced sample-starts and standardized pre-pads ensure that your performances will never be out of sync, while ensuring maximum realism.

Easy to use, well-thought-out user interface.
We like things simple, yet effective. Countless hours were spent on making one of the most easy-to-use interfaces in the industry. Whether you are just starting out or a seasoned pro, we have you covered.

Real Con Sordino.
Nothing beats the nuances and subtleties of real Con Sordino samples. Con Sordino was recorded for Sustained for all the instrument sections, in three dynamics, vibrato and non-vibrato. Additionally, emulated Con Sordino is offered for the rest of the articulations.

Phrase-sourced Spiccatos.
Nothing beats the flow of real spiccato phrases. For achieving this, we recorded phrases and then we built multi-samples out of them. The result: the most realistic and playable spiccatos you will ever try.

Introducing Performance Patches.
Sometimes you just need to sketch out ideas quickly, and while key-switching is a great tool for expression, it can be quite time-consuming. That is where our Performance Patches come in.

Industry-leading Measured Tremolo.
For the first time in a strings sample library, you can play Measured Tremolo at any tempo, without any time-stretching. Either sequenced or as playable multi-samples. And we didn’t stop there: you can also add accents in sequenced mode, and save/load accent presets.

Our signature Sound Design.
In true Audio Imperia style, we provide you with some really unique sound design elements to enhance your experience with the library. Larger-than-life pads will bring your scores to the next level when mixed with the strings.


  • True Hollywood sound – all the way from delicate and soft to aggressive and epic.
  • 4 mic positions and 2 ready-to-go mixes (Classic + Modern).
  • Individual Instrument Sections, Pre-Orchestrated Ensembles, and Full Ensembles.
  • Wide range of articulations.
  • True Legato for all instruments.
  • Approximately 68 GB installed (NCW format).
  • Made for the free Kontakt Player, Version 6.2.2 or higher.
  • NKS compatible.


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