我们与BAFTA获奖作曲家ÓlafurArnalds(Broadchurch,Kiasmos,Erased Tapes)携手合作,录制了全明星合奏,展现了他最新的令人敬畏的演变。 Ólafur的总部位于冰岛的雷克雅未克,他的声音和作曲方法激发了新一代人们欣赏和创作管弦乐的灵感,继他自己的Spitfire库和我们的Symphonic Strings Evolutions成功之后,他成为了创建Chamber Evolutions的明显选择。在这里,由长期合作者Viktor OrriÁrnason领导的4,3,3,3,3,3英国乐团(小提琴I + II,中提琴,大提琴,低音提琴)演奏了一系列脆弱但温暖而优美的演化乐句,在举世闻名的伦敦航空工作室大厅。

借助我们的Evo Grid技术,该库可轻松以最简单的排列方式创建复杂的室内弦音乐-编写动感十足的动态纹理只需要几个持续的音符即可。


• 15156 Samples
• 30.5 GB Uncompressed .WAV
• 19.4 GB disk space required



We join forces with BAFTA-winning composer Ólafur Arnalds (Broadchurch, Kiasmos, Erased Tapes) to record an all-star ensemble performing his latest set of awe-inspiring evolutions. Based in Reykjavík, Iceland, Ólafur’s approach to sound and composition has inspired a new generation to enjoy and create orchestral music, and following the success of his own Spitfire libraries and our Symphonic Strings Evolutions, he became the obvious choice to create Chamber Evolutions. Here, the 4,3,3,3,3 ensemble of British players (Violin I + II, Viola, Cello, Double Bass) led by long-term collaborator Viktor Orri Árnason perform a range of fragile yet warm beautifully evolving phrases, recorded at the world-famous Hall in Air Studios (London).

With our Evo Grid technology, this library makes it easy to create sophisticated chamber strings music from the most simplistic of arrangements – just a few sustained notes is all you need to write inspiring dynamic textures.

We also introduce here Waves: a brand new innovation featuring notes that move along a wave-like dynamic arc, appearing from nothing, swelling, and then dying away again to nothing. These are accessible via our classic interface, in various styles and lengths.

• 15156 Samples
• 30.5 GB Uncompressed .WAV
• 19.4 GB disk space required


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