克里斯·海因(Chris Hein)管弦乐队黄铜扩展库是一个广泛的管弦乐队铜库,在音质,表达和适用性方面达到了最高期望。最初的版本起初是功能丰富且有趣的黄铜库,而扩展版本则将其带入了新的高度。

制片人克里斯·海因(Chris Hein)将他三十年的采样经验带入了这部杰作,为用户提供了最大的灵活性,最高的定制水平和使用效益。对于扩展版本,克里斯·海因(Chris Hein)突破了Kontakt脚本和建模的局限性,以支持有史以来最逼真的动态铜管收藏。

原始库中有9种乐器,而Chris Hein Orchestral Brass EXtended共有12种乐器。包括所有九种原始乐器,三套附加乐器,六个合奏乐器音色和两个效果清晰度音色。总而言之,Chris Hein管弦乐队黄铜扩展版包含20 GB的附加内容,是原始库的两倍多,并包含43,000个新样本。


– F-Tuba
– Sousaphone


– 6个新的短发音和数百个令人惊叹的单发效果样本

Euphonium ImageChris已对这些乐器进行了精美的采样,其中16个动态图层用于常规短裤。这提供了广泛的变化和表达方式。特意记录短重复,肮脏的攻击,咆哮和装饰物的特征和表情,使它们为您的零件带来无与伦比的真实感,模拟现实生活中玩家的自然细微差别。

克里斯·海因(Chris Hein)乐队管弦乐队(黄铜)克里斯·海因(Chris Hein)使用与他的合奏弦库相同的混音技术,添加了六个Ensemble Instrument音色,添加了六个Ensemble Instrument音色,Chris用独奏乐器的精心混合制作了超大的史诗般的黄铜合奏。凭借音质和极宽的动态范围,此版本的Orchestral Brass可为每个乐器组提供即时发胖和饱满音色的合奏。


克里斯·海因(Chris Hein)扩展的管弦乐队KONTAKT屏幕截图更多扩展的管弦乐队内部功能
音符头变化–改变音符头变化一直是Chris Hein库的一个突出功能,并且随着Orchestral Brass的扩展,不同的攻击清晰度从6增加到12。这是带来更多特征和变化的最简单方法和细微的铜管演奏。只需移动Note-Head推子,即可在所有版本的干净或肮脏的攻击之间立即切换。

模拟静音控件–扩展的Orchestral Brass内部的模拟静音控件非常有效,逼真,并且最重要的是乐趣。因为它们是经过建模而不是采样,所以Orchestral Brass EXtended由合理的大小组成,无需对每种不同类型的静音进行多次采样。所有扩展仪器都配备了静音模型,可从前面板进行访问。包括五种不同的静音:桶,杯,Harmon,Straight和Stop静音。



高品质的设备(例如精选的诺伊曼(Neumann)麦克风)和音乐家的出色表演都推动了声音的美感。与屡获殊荣的克里斯·海因·霍恩斯(Chris Hein – Horns)不同,该图书馆利用了著名的WDR交响乐团。

Chris Hein Orchestral Brass EXtended is an extensive orchestral brass library meeting highest expectations regarding sound quality, expression and applicability. What started out as a functional and fun brass library in its first iteration, has been taken to the next level with the EXtended Version.

Producer Chris Hein has brought his thirty years of sampling experience into this masterpiece, giving the user maximum flexibility, highest level of customization and benefit in use. For the EXtended Version Chris Hein pushed the limits of Kontakt scripting and modelling to power the most realistic and dynamic brass collection ever seen.

While the original library featured nine instruments, Chris Hein Orchestral Brass EXtended comes with twelve instruments in total. Included are all nine original instruments plus three additional instruments, six ensemble instrument patches, and two effects articulation patches. All in all, Chris Hein Orchestral Brass EXtended contains 20 GB of additional content – more than twice as much as the original library and over 43,000 new samples.

Instruments from Orchestral Brass Complete: three Trumpets, three Trombones, and three French Horns recorded as individual instruments and as three ensembles. Each instrument builds upon almost 8,000 single samples, 14 articulations and up to eight dynamic layers.

Additional instruments in the EXtended Version:
– F-Tuba
– Sousaphone
– Euphonium

In fact, these three Low Brass Instruments have more articulations and samples than the original Brass Instruments – there are 24 articulations in total for each of the Tuba, Sousaphone and Euphonium.

Sousaphone ImageIn addition to 5 different sustains, 6 different shorts and 5 different special articulations, you’ll find:
– Added Repetitions in 16th and 8th notes with adjustable speed
– 6 new short articulations and hundreds of stunning one shot effect samples

Euphonium ImageChris has sampled these instruments in exquisite detail, with 16 dynamic layers for the normal shorts. This provides a huge range of variation and expression. Short repetitions, dirty attacks, growls and ornaments were deliberately recorded with character and expression, so they’ll bring unparalleled realism to your parts, simulating the natural playing nuances of a real-life player.

Chris Hein Orchestral Brass EXtended KONTAKT screenshotFor an epic Hollywood sound Chris Hein added six Ensemble Instrument patches using the same mixing techniques he used for his Ensemble Strings library, Chris has created extra large, epic Brass Ensembles from a careful mixture of the solo instruments. Thanks to the sonic quality and the extremely wide dynamic range, this version of Orchestral Brass offers instantly fat and full sounding Ensembles for each instrument group.
Included are:
– Trumpet Ensemble large
– Trombone Ensemble large
– Horns Ensemble large
– Low Brass Ensemble
– Full Brass Ensemble
– Full Brass Ensemble without the Trumpets

The low brass ensemble is a particular highlight, with extended articulations including: Ensemble repetitions, 6 new short articulations, 12 different Note Heads and a large variety of spectacular Ensemble Effects.

Chris Hein Orchestral Brass EXtended KONTAKT screenshotMore Features inside Orchestral Brass EXtended
Note-Head Variations – Changing the Note-head variations has always been a standout feature of Chris Hein libraries, and with Orchestral Brass EXtended the number of different attack articulations increases from 6 to 12. This is the easiest way to bring more character, variations and nuance to your brass performances. Instantly switch between all versions of clean or dirty attacks by just moving the Note-Head fader.

Simulated Mute Controls – The simulated mute controls inside Orchestral Brass EXtended are effective, realistic and first and foremost lots of fun. Because they’re modelled, rather than sampled, Orchestral Brass EXtended consists of a reasonable size without multi-sampling every different type of mute. All the EXtended instruments are armed with the mute modelling, accessible from the front panel. Included are five different Mutes: Bucket, Cup, Harmon, Straight, and Stop mute.

True Legato – The instruments of Chris Hein Orchestral Brass Complete offer true legato. The corresponding in-depth recordings and edits result in unexpectedly realistic sounds with perfect note-transitions. At the same time you can expand these realistic articulations by additional, artificially inserted legatos.

Perfect Dynamic Transitions thanks to Phase Alignment – All samples were fully aligned in phase. Accordingly, the instruments offer perfect seamless transitions of dynamic layers without sonic degradation.

Both the high quality gear such as selected Neumann microphones and the musician’s significant performances drive the sound aesthetics. Unlike the award-winning Chris Hein – Horns, this library takes advantage of the renowned WDR Symphonic Orchestra.

For this library, dry close mic’ing was an intentional decision. All instruments were recorded individually avoiding any crosstalk. Despite that CH Winds Compact incorporated the inevitable interaction of an orchestra. Therefore, the participating musicians used headphone monitoring, to complement each other, forming perfectly balanced ensembles. Consequently, time-dependent articulations such as Dynamic Expression achieve an especially coherent tone, allowing you to combine individual instruments for perfectly matched ensembles.

Kontakt Player 5.7 or newer required

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