Auddict United Strings of Europe First Violins KONTAKT | 7.35 Gb


Auddict teamed up with the “United Strings of Europe”, a London-based string orchestra, to create THE flagship string library. We are extremely proud to present the UNITED STRINGS OF EUROPE.

This astounding library has what we believe to be the most realistic string legato sampled and programmed to this date, recorded at the world-famous “Cadogan Hall” in London. Thanks to the USE musicians’ pristine and flawlessly crafted sound, we have captured the most delicate, to the most gargantuan of string sounds for this library, which blends superbly well in a mix due to the fantastic acoustic of this concert hall.

These are the perfect strings for your next score/track; you need look no further…


The United Strings of Europe is a London-based ensemble made up of young professionals from across the European Union and Switzerland with the goal of promoting musical and cultural cooperation at the highest level.

The ensemble is gaining recognition for its exciting performances in Switzerland, France, Lebanon and the UK. With several world premieres of works by Hristic, Marinkovic and Winkler, the ensemble has collaborated with a number of distinguished artists including Hildegarde Fesneau, Marc Benzekri, Mateja Marinkovic, Jack Liebeck, Walter Delahunt and Ljubisa Jovanovic.

First Violins

Below are the specs of the first violins. On the 26th May, an update was released, to include greater control over legato modes (volume and length), as well as routing mic positions to outputs, spot mic pan pots, staccato ADSR, soft/hard sustain attack control and much more… If you purchased before the 26th May, and haven’t received a notification about the update, drop us an e-mail at requesting your update.

• Over 12GB of content in the “First Violins” ALONE
• SEVEN microphone positions replicating a film scoring setup, so you can craft your own sound to taste. Separate desk spot mics can be used to simulate divisi.
• Recorded at the world-renowned Cadogan Hall
• Over 22,000 samples+
• Multiple TRUE LEGATO sets including normal and portamento, at different dynamics (cross-fade-able with MIDI CC1)
• 7RR Staccato, Pizzicato and Sautille multiplied by multiple dynamic layers
• Tremolo, Harmonics and Trills


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